Highlights of CPD Initiatives, 2002 to April, 2013:
- April 29, 2013 co–sponsors forum "Sanctions as a Tool of War: A Comparative Look at Iraq and Iran. " Speakers: Dr. Joy Gordon, Denis J. Halliday, Hadi Kahalzadeh, Bitta Mostofi, Sina. Co–Sponsors: Havaar : Iranian Initiative Against War, Sanctions and State Repression, Raha Iranian Feminist Collective, CPD, War Resisters League.
- April 25, 2013 co–sponsors protest with Aristeri Kinesi New York/Greece Solidarity Movement (AK–NY) when Greek Minister of Public Order and Citizen Protection Nikos Dendias speaks at John Jay College . Report on the protest.
- April 21, 2013 co–sponsors demonstration in Athens Park , Astoria, Queens, with AK–NY: " Greece , April 21, 1967 — NEVER AGAIN "
- March 22, 2013 co–sponsors with SYRIZA–New York – discussion, "Neoliberalism and Working Class Resistance in Greece " with Lefteris Kretsos, Senior Lecturer at the University of Greenwich in London . Video
- February 2013 supports "Iran Sanctions=Silent War" sign–on campaign launched by Havaar: Iranian Initiative against War, Sanctions and State Repression
- January 19 2013 joins with other U.S. groups in a demonstration at the Greek Consulate in New York in solidarity with the call from Greece to protest Racism, Homophobia and Violence
- November 27, 2012 re–publishes Stephen Shalom's carefully documented Gaza Quiz , originally posted on the New Politics website.
- November 17 2012 – joins with Havaar, Iranian Alliances Across Borders, The OWS Global Justice Working Group, The South Asian Solidarity Initiative, and CodePink to work with Occupy Sandy in Brooklyn .
- October 23, 2012 public forum, "The Political and Humanitarian Crisis in Greece " with Alexis Benos, MD. Discussants: Matt Anderson, MD, Costas Panayotakis, and Marina Sitrin. Video
- October 22 2012 joins with RootsAction and other organizations in a call on Obama, Romney, Biden and Ryan to "End the U.S. War in Afghanistan Now!"
- October 4, 2012 cosponsors public forum with New Politics and the Radical Film and Lecture Series (RFLS), "The Neoliberal Assault on Disability Rights" with Nadina LaSpina, Ravi Malhotra, Jihan Abbas and Paula Wolff. Video Articles based on talks
- September 2012 launches sign–on statement "We Stand with the Greek People Fighting Austerity — For Their Sake and Ours." https://cpdweb.org/stmts/1022/stmt.shtml
- August 2012 CPD Co–Directors Thomas Harrison and Joanne Landy publish article "The Greek Grassroots Challenge to the Politics of Austerity" based on their July 2012 trip to Greece . https://cpdweb.org/docs/2012.greece.shtml
- July 2012 co–sponsors Havaar march against Iran sanctions.
- March 2012 Panel at the Left Forum: "What Are the Lessons of 1989's East European Revolutions for Transformations Today?" with Jan Kavan , Antonio Morandi , Joanne Landy . Chair: Thomas Harrison . (links to articles based on talks are shown under each speaker's name. Discussion is here .) Video
- March 2012 Panel at the Left Forum: "Should Labor and the Left Propose a Global Green Jobs Alternative to Austerity and Climate Change?" featuring Jeremy Brecher, Greg Albo, Elaine Bernard, and Robert Pollin. Chair: Joanne Landy
- February 4, 2012 marches alongside progressive Iranians antiwar demonstration under the slogans "No War, No Sanctions, No Dictatorship in Iran !"
- October and November 2011 calls to support and participate in Occupy Wall Street activities around the country .
- November 2011 co–sponsors a demonstration against the New York Historical Society's award to Henry Kissinger.
- October 2011 CPD Co–Director Joanne Landy brings solidarity greetings from Occupy Wall Street to occupiers in Rome , Italy .
- On going support for the democratic movement in Bahrain . CPD initiated its campaign with a May sign–on statement, "End U.S. Support for Bahrain's Repressive Government," published in The Nation , on The New York Review of Books website, and elsewhere, si gned by more than 1900 individuals, including hundreds of Bahrainis. It was sent to President Obama, Secretary of State Clinton, and key members of Congress.
- September 2011 message of Condolence and Solidarity to the Syrian people and June declaration, "CPD Salutes Syria's Courageous Democratic Movement," disseminated in Syria and elsewhere.
- June 2011 condemns Israel 's attack on unarmed Palestinians.
- April 2011 statement: "We Support the Libyan Democratic Revolution and Oppose Western Military Intervention and Domination."
- February 2011 leads a delegation of peace and human rights activists to the U.S. and Iranian Missions to the U.N. to present CPD statement "End the War Threats and Sanctions Program Against Iran, Support the Struggle for Democracy Inside Iran." Supports the 3,000 Iranians who on November 20, 2010 protested proposed changes to Iran's labor law further weakening workers' rights.
- February 2011 statement heralding the democratic revolution in Egypt.
- January 2011 statement: "We Support the Democratic Revolution in Tunisia "
- December 2010 declaration of support for Julian Assange, Bradley Manning and Wikileaks
- October 2010 sign–on statement, "End the War Threats and Sanctions Program Against Iran: Support the Struggle for Democracy Inside Iran."
- August 2010 a fter the disastrous floods in Pakistan , circulated an appeal by the Sindh Labour Relief Committee, including 14 Pakistani unions and progressive organizations, for financial aid to the flood victims; also posted a statement on the floods' political context by the Labour Party Pakistan and the National Trade Union Federation.
- January 2010 participate in a protest at CIA headquarters in Langley, VA, against drone attacks.
- Oct 2009 – "We Call for the United States to End Its Wars in Afghanistan and Pakistan!" Sign–on Statement
- July 2009 Question and Answer on the Crisis in Iran
- June 2009 Statement on the Crisis in Iran
- March 2009 Open letter to Czech Chamber of Deputies urging a "no" vote on the proposed U.S. radar station.
- March 2009 Open Letter to Iranian Authorities Protesting Threats to Shirin Ebadi, women's rights and human rights defender. The letter was published in The New York Review of Books.
- January–February 2009 "No More Blank Check to Israel ": Sign–on Declaration on the Gaza crisis.
- July 2008 CPD speaker at conference at the Czech Parliament against U.S. military radar base.
- July 2008 "We Protest the U.S. Radar in the Czech Republic " open letter to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, published in Prague .
- April 2008 Co–sponsored public forum in NYC with leaders of Czech anti–radar movement and Chagos Refugees Group for the people of Diego Garcia.
- March 2008: Open Letter to Polish Prime Minister opposing U.S. military base in Poland .
- Feb 2008 Picket of Czech President to protest U.S. radar.
- Feb 2008 article "Pushing Missile Defense in Europe " in Foreign Policy in Focus.
- Jan 2008 letter in the NY Times opposing U.S. radar in the Czech Republic.
- Dec 2007 Open letter to Iranian President Ahmadinejad "Release Iranian Students From Prison Now!, " published in Iran .
- Nov 2007 Statement "Solidarity With Opponents of Proposed U.S. Military Base in the Czech Republic " delivered to Czech Ambassador to the U.N. Published in The NY Review of Books and Britske Listy in the Czech Republic.
- May 2006 Statement " Iran: Neither U.S. Aggression Nor Theocratic Repression."
- June 2003 Protest U.S. Actions Against Cuba in response to escalating threats from the Bush administration.
- March 2003 Statement Protesting Repression in Cuba in response to the Castro regime's arrest of scores of oppositionists.
- Dec. 2002 Statement: "We Oppose Both Saddam Hussein and the U.S. War on Iraq ," published in the NY Times, Nation, Progressive and elsewhere.