We Call for the United States to End Its Wars in Afghanistan and Pakistan!
Full list of signers
The list below contains the names of those who have signed the
statement to date.
Affiliations are for identification only.
1 | Erich Nolan | |
2 | Rabab I. Abdulhadi | Professor, Arab and Muslim Ethnicities and Diasporas Initiative |
3 | Taro Abe | |
4 | Omer Abid | MD |
5 | Bashir Abu-Manneh | Barnard College |
6 | Patricia Acerbi | |
7 | Judith Anne Ackerman | actress, aflcio |
8 | Jonathan H. Ackley | |
9 | Max D. Adams | |
10 | Rita Addessa | Organizer, Retired |
11 | Syed Adeeb | Chief Editor, Information Press |
12 | Robert J. Agen | |
13 | Delia D. Aguilar | Professor (retired) |
14 | Mohammed Nesar Ahmed | Consultant |
15 | Amir Ahsan | |
16 | Louis G. Albano | AFSCME D.C. 37, L. 375 |
17 | Margaret L. Albert | Retired |
18 | Michael Albert | ZCom |
19 | Gordon John Alderink | Educator, Grand Valley State University |
20 | Mark D. Aleshnick | |
21 | Jack Edward Alexander | private, semi-retired citizen |
22 | Carolyne Ali Khan | |
23 | Charles E. Allen | Union Organizer |
24 | Deborah Allen | |
25 | Judith Allen | Writer/Lecturer |
26 | Latonia Allen | Teacher, Son in Army serving in Afghanistan |
27 | Mark G. Allen | Administrator |
28 | Richard D. Allen | |
29 | Elizabeth G. Allison | Retired |
30 | John V. Allison | Anthropologist, US Army |
31 | David Alpert | |
32 | Theresa F. Alt | translator |
33 | Craig L. Althage | Library Specialist, Norhteastern Illinois University / AFSCME Local 1989 |
34 | Elahe Amani | Director, California State University Fullerton |
35 | Vincent M. Amari | |
36 | Albert Andersen | retired |
37 | Clifford E. Anderson | Proferssor, CSU, Sacramento |
38 | Dave A. Anderson | paralibrarian, ColoradoWINS (union), PDA, Democratic Socialists of America |
39 | Don C. Anderson | Disabled Vet, Veterans For Peace |
40 | Donald L. Anderson | retired biologist |
41 | Glen Anderson | |
42 | Kevin B. Anderson | Professor, University of California, Santa Barbara |
43 | Nkosi DuBois Anderson | Educator/ Activist/ Seminarian |
44 | On C. Anderson | Disabled Vet, Veterans For Peace |
45 | Ryan Colby Anderson | Student |
46 | Sarabeth R. Anderson | |
47 | Victor Bruce Anderson | |
48 | Michael D. Andoscia | Teacher |
49 | John J. Andreula | |
50 | Susan Andrews | |
51 | Marshall Sheldon Ansell | |
52 | Bettina Fay Aptheker | Professor, Feminist Studies, University of California, Santa Cruz |
53 | Charles B. Aquiline | Retired, Independent Party |
54 | Peter Arata | Retired, American Wostal Workers Union |
55 | John Arden | writer, royal society of literature (UK) |
56 | Frieda Arkin | |
57 | Alan G. Arnold | programmer, Democrat |
58 | Kay George Arnold | retired, Pax Christi |
59 | Anthony Arnove | |
60 | Darwin Aronoff | retired |
61 | Stanley Aronowitz | teaches at City University of NY Graduate Center |
62 | Ellie Arons | |
63 | Susan M. Arraje | |
64 | Muhammad Ashraf | Engineer |
65 | Lonnie Ray Atkinson | |
66 | Russell D. Attoe | Electronics Technician, Madison Area Peace Coalition |
67 | Steven Ault | |
68 | Joseph Auslander | |
69 | Jerry "ClapSo" Avissato | SONOFALONGSHOREMAN, ClapSotronics |
70 | Susana Ayala-grabiel | retirect school teacher, democrat |
71 | B. Nimri Aziz | Dr., WBAI Radio |
72 | George S. Aziz | |
73 | Laura Ann Baboulis | Teacher's Aide, Musical Director, Bethlehem Central Schools, Park Playhouse Kidz |
74 | Madhav G. Badami | McGill University |
75 | Eleanor J. Bader | |
76 | Michael E. Badgett | |
77 | Binyamina aisha Bahrami | |
78 | Abram M. Bailey | Audiologist |
79 | Normand Baillargeon | professor, uqam |
80 | Asatar P Bair | Professor of Economics, City College of San Francisco |
81 | Alexander Fredrick Baker | Student, Richland College |
82 | Martha Baker | consultant, women's peace activist |
83 | Nicholson Baker | Writer |
84 | Guy C. Baldovi | artist |
85 | Jeff Bale | Assistant Professor, Michigan State University |
86 | Wanda S Ballentine | |
87 | Marion D. Banzhaf | |
88 | Vilma Barahona Matamoros MD | |
89 | Gregg Barak | Professor of Criminology, Eastern Michigan University |
90 | Dena Barbara | |
91 | Ellen Elizabeth Barfield | full-time volunteer peace and justice activist, WRL, VFP, WILPF, NCNR, SOAW |
92 | Terry Vascar Barham | retired |
93 | Nicko David Baron | |
94 | Virginia O. Baron | retired editor, Fellowship of Reconciliation |
95 | Kenneth Barrios | Accounts Receivable Clerk |
96 | John J. Barron-Wike | |
97 | John Barrow | Grass Valley, CA |
98 | Donald James Barry | Astrophysicist, Cornell University |
99 | David Barsamian | Journalist |
100 | Sara Bartlett | Actor/Writer |
101 | Karen L. Barton | |
101 | Karen L. Barton | |
103 | Jean Basinger | Trinity United Methodist Church |
104 | William A.. Basinger | Veterans for Peace/DesMoines |
105 | Stephen Merrill Bassel | Consultant, Tigar Ventures, Inc |
106 | Rosalyn Baxandall | Distinguished Teaching Professor; Chair,American, Studies/Media & Communications, SUNY Old Westbury |
107 | Thomas Baxter | Librarian, Vietnam Veterans of America |
108 | Chris Beach | |
109 | Brian L. Beallor | |
110 | Frances R. Beallor | |
111 | Marc Beallor | |
112 | Phyllis Beallor | |
113 | Hunter Bear | Organizer in Idaho Rocky Mountains |
114 | Allan Beek | |
115 | Leonard I. Beerman | Rabbi |
116 | Jack Beinashowitz | Psychologist |
117 | David T. Beito | Professor, University of Alabama |
118 | Don Belanger | Administrative/Clerical, San Bernardino County, CA |
119 | Jonathan Paul Bell | |
120 | Judith Ransom Bell | |
121 | Peter A. Belmont | |
122 | Jane Benjamin | |
123 | Michael D. Bennett | |
124 | Scott H. Bennett | Historian, Georgian Court University |
125 | Larry Bensky | Pacifica Radio (retired) |
126 | Amalia Benson Bodkin | Weary of War Citizen, Worried Grandmother, Jewish Beliefs |
127 | Dorothee Benz | |
128 | John Berendt | |
129 | Peter Berkowitz | lawyer |
130 | Burt F. Berlowe | author, journalist, activist, self-employed |
131 | Mark Berman | |
132 | Sanford Berman | Edina, NY |
133 | David J. Bernstein | University of Minnesota |
134 | Marion Bernstein | |
135 | Ruby S. Bernstein | |
136 | Ken H Berry | Attorney, Socialist |
137 | Jacque W Betz | Flower farmer, CodePINK, Women for Peace |
138 | Nilanjan Bhowmick | |
139 | Mel Bienenfeld | Professor |
140 | Albert Bilik | Council 20, AFSCME |
141 | Cyrus Bina | Distinguished Research Professor of Economics, University of Minnesota (Morris Campus) |
142 | Jing Bing | |
143 | Chris James Edward Bingham | Unemployed |
144 | Norman Birnbaum | University Professor Emeritus, Georgetown University Law Center |
145 | Joel S. Bitar | |
146 | D. Elizabeth Blakney | retired, United Methodist Church |
147 | Jenny S Blanchard | Director of Development |
148 | Steve Blank | Journalist and Organizer, Health Writers / Single Payer Action Network |
149 | Elliott M Blass | Professor, Psychology & Behavioral Neuroscience, University of Massachusetts, Amherst |
150 | Mavis G. Bledsoe | Newland, NC |
151 | Gloria Bletter | Retired Attorney, National Lawyers' Guild |
152 | Bonnie L. Block | |
153 | Jack Block | Professor Emeritus, U. Clifo9rnia, Berkeley |
154 | Grace M Bloodgood | |
155 | Phyllis Bloom | acupuncturist |
156 | James E. Bloyd | Public Health |
157 | Richard J. Bluhm | Retired Teacher |
158 | Esther Blumenthal-Sheats | |
159 | Laurette Carlson Boarman | |
160 | Celeste Mary Bocchicchio | |
161 | Grace Lee Boggs | activist, writer, James & Grace Lee Boggs Center to Nurture Community Leadership |
162 | Gordon Bohmann | |
163 | Diana Bohn | teacher, AFT |
164 | Leah Johnson Bolger | Retired, U.S. Navy, Veterans for Peace |
165 | Jean Carey Bond | writer/editor |
166 | Leslie Bonett | |
167 | Blase Bonpane, Ph.D. | Director, Office of the Americas |
168 | Dina Jacqueline Boogaard | Sr. Consultant, University of Maryland |
169 | Lois Black Booth | retired |
170 | Eileen C. Boris | |
171 | Duirwydd Borland | Naturalist |
172 | Conrad Borovski | Prof Emeritus, SJSU |
173 | Antoinette M. Bosco | Ct. network to Abolish the Death Penalty |
174 | John J Bosley | Survey Methodologist (Retired) |
175 | Peter A Bostock | Retired |
176 | Marla A. Bottesch | |
177 | Steven Botticelli R Botticelli | psychologist |
178 | Sam Bottone | Retired, California Nurses Association |
179 | Eric Bourgeois | |
180 | Jean Bourque | retired |
181 | Nancy E. Bowman | |
182 | John N. Bowron | Retired Seattle Teacher |
183 | Rosalind Boyd | Granny Peace Brigade |
184 | Laura S. Boylan, MD | New York University School of Medicine |
185 | Susan Bram | |
186 | Joshua Brancazio | Student at Oberlin College |
187 | James R. Branch | |
188 | Chris Brandt | Writer, translator, teacher (Fordham University), War Resisters League, Witness Against Torture, UfPJ, etc. |
189 | Forrest H. Brandt | Teacher |
190 | Wilmer Brandt | |
191 | Henry Braun | Off The Grid Press |
192 | Jeremy Brecher | author and historian |
193 | Channing Brechlin | |
194 | Bill Breen | |
195 | Ryan Brevard | Americorps |
196 | Walter Brewster | Public Library clerk |
197 | Lesley Brill | teacher, wayne state u |
198 | James R. Briscoe | |
199 | Bonnie Britt | Editor |
200 | John W. Bromer | |
201 | Stephen Eric Bronner | Rutgers University |
202 | Myra Bronstein | |
203 | Pamela E. Brooks | Professor, Oberlin College |
204 | Benjamin Brosig | |
205 | Jim Brough | V.V.A.W. |
206 | Elaine M Brower | Computer Project Manager |
207 | Bruce and Elaine M/E Brown | |
208 | Gene Brown | writer |
209 | Gisela M. Brown | |
210 | Humberto R Brown | Red y Alianza de Afro-Latino y Caribenbos |
211 | Joe Brown | |
212 | Rebecca Brown | |
213 | Richard J. Brown, MD | |
214 | June L. Brumer | |
215 | Marianne Brun | retiree |
216 | Bishop Buzzo Bruno | The Universal Apathetic Agnostic Church of Buzzo |
217 | Morton K. Brussel | |
218 | Hava R. Buchanan | |
219 | Joan E Budd | |
220 | John B. Buddeke | Team Lead - Benefits Verification |
221 | Lawrence Budner | |
222 | John Webber Buell | journalist |
223 | Mari Jo Buhle | History professor, emerita, Brown University |
224 | Amrita J. Burdick | human being, social activist |
225 | Frank Burger | Retired Steelworker Union |
226 | Helene Burgess Burgess | Professor Emeritus, California State University, Sacramento |
227 | Kathleen S. Burgess | teacher, poet, National Education Association, Pudding House Publications |
228 | Jack D. Burgess, Sr. | retired educator, union staffer, writer, United Steel Workers (I.D. only) |
229 | Kevin l. Burghardt | |
230 | Dick Burkhart | President, Coalition for a World Parliament and Global Democracy |
231 | Albert S. Burney | retired chemist, self |
232 | Elizabeth G. Burr | |
233 | Vic Burton | |
234 | Donal Butterfield | |
235 | James M. Butterfield | |
236 | Nancy A. Butterfield | Attorney |
237 | Paul A Cabiati | |
238 | Jeff Arellano Cabusao | teacher |
239 | Marion W Cadora | Student, University of Hawaii |
240 | Leslie Cagan | Co-founder and former National Coordinator,, United for Peace and Justice |
241 | Ben Calderone | |
242 | Christine Calhoun | Office Manager, Church |
243 | Sally A. Callan | Retired |
244 | Terry L. Callan | Retired, IWW Member |
245 | Andrea Callegari | |
246 | Tom P Calvanico | Teacher |
247 | Antoinette Candelaria | |
248 | DiAnne Cannella | |
249 | Janet L. Cardenzana | mother & wife |
250 | Barbara J. Carey | Public Branch Library manager, Democrat |
251 | Roane Carey | Managing Editor, The Nation |
252 | Renee H Carlson | RN |
253 | Roy Carlton | Chapel Hill, NC |
254 | Francoise Caro | Artist, Ariana Designs |
255 | Tim Carpenter | Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) |
256 | Nick John Carroll | retired |
257 | Stephen W Carter | |
258 | Donna Cartwright | Co-President, Pride at Work, AFL-CIO |
259 | Irene J. Casey | Sonora, CA |
260 | John W Casey | Teacher |
261 | Linda Cashion | Retired |
262 | D. Lamar Cason | retired, Clinton, TN |
263 | Jason None Cataldi | |
264 | Mary Ann B. Caton | Assistant Professor of History, University of Pittsburgh |
265 | Antonia Cedrone | Psychologist |
266 | Pat Ann Chaffee | |
267 | Ahmed Mohamed Chahine | Writer |
268 | Shirley A Chalmers | Huntington woods Peace Citizenship & Education Project |
269 | Darrell E Chan | |
270 | Elaine Chan | |
271 | Florence Chan | Peace advocate |
272 | Lawrence J Chanin | Writer |
273 | Anne Chappe | Bar Harbor, ME |
274 | Ben Chappell | anthropologist, midwesterner |
275 | Ewa Charkiewicz | social scientist, Feminist Think Tank |
276 | Steve Charusch | Citizen., United States of America |
277 | Alejandro Chavez | |
278 | Barry R Cheney | pharmacist |
279 | Micah T Chibana | |
280 | Marco Chiesa | Dr |
281 | Christopher Childs | writer & activist |
282 | Courtney Childs | |
283 | Malgorzata Chmiel | |
284 | Adam Chmielewski | Professor of Political Philosophy,, University of Wroclaw, Poland |
285 | Sung-Hee Choi | |
286 | Noam Chomsky | |
287 | Levon Chorbajian | sociology professor, U of Massachusetts Lowell |
288 | Jane Christ | |
289 | C.J. Christensen | Clergy, United Methodist Church |
290 | Robert Chunco | |
291 | Beth L Chung | MD |
292 | Dr Zeljko Cipris | |
293 | Dennis Clagett | |
294 | Andrea Fleck Clardy | |
295 | Petronella - Clark | Retired teacher |
296 | Barbara L Clarke | Writer |
297 | John V Clary | |
298 | Erin Clermont | |
299 | Meg Barden Cline | Keene, NH |
300 | Mark Clinton | Professor of Political Science, International Socialist Organization |
301 | Daniel Carl Clore | The Soylent Green Party |
302 | Douglas H. Clough | |
303 | Eddie L. Clynes | Teacher |
304 | William Leo Coakley | Poet |
305 | Helen T. Coates | Altadena, CA |
306 | Andrew Coates, MD | Bethlehem Neighbors for Peace |
307 | Charles Cobb | |
308 | Muriel Cohan | Professor of Dance, University of Kansas |
309 | James A. Cohen | professor of political science, University of Paris VIII |
310 | Mildred A. Cohen | |
311 | Jonathan S. Coit | Assistant Professor, Eastern Illinois University |
312 | Brian Cole | SLC, UT |
313 | Bryan Cole | |
314 | David A Cole | |
315 | Kathleen Ray Cole | Indexer |
316 | Janet Sass Collins | |
317 | Fred Colman | |
318 | Randy E Colon | |
319 | Seth Coltoff | Wantagh, NY |
320 | Jeanmarie Conlon | Artist, Branford, CT |
321 | Nancy Day Connell | Professor, UMDNJ |
322 | Timothy M Connelly | Poet |
323 | Sydney Conner | |
324 | Tim Conner | retired engineer |
325 | Tim P. Connolly | entheogenographer |
326 | Susan Constantine | |
327 | Patricia Constantino | |
328 | Charles F. Cooley | |
329 | Randall Cooper | |
330 | Sally R. Cooperrider | |
331 | Donald Ellis Coorough | |
332 | Mary F. Corey | Lecturer in History, UCLA |
333 | Janice Corker | |
334 | Elizabeth A. Corpt | Psychoanalyst |
335 | Nina S Corwin | psychotherapist |
336 | Ann Cotter-Mack | |
337 | Brad W. Cotton | Emergency Physician |
338 | Daniela M. Covarrubias | |
339 | Diane H Craig | retired yoga teacher |
340 | Edward H Craill | retired |
341 | Robert Steven Crandall | United Methodist Minister, Methodist Federation for Social Action |
342 | Margaret Willig Crane | Science and Health Writer, The Write Formula, Inc. |
343 | Connie M Creel | Academic Adviser, University of California Santa Cruz |
344 | Jane Creighton | Retired |
345 | Daniel Perez Creus | Retired |
346 | Lynn A. Crockwell | |
347 | Barb End the War Crossing | |
348 | Leo Crowe | |
349 | Lawrence Crowley | |
350 | Ana Maria Cruz | lawer |
351 | Thomas Cserep | |
352 | Lennie Cuje | musician.vibist, DC Federation of Musicians161-170 |
353 | Chris L. Cullins | |
354 | Kevin Cummings | Builder |
355 | Maria M. Cummings | |
356 | Dave Cunningham | |
357 | M. Phyllis Cunningham | |
358 | Cheryl Curtiss | Educator/Counselor |
359 | Stephanie D'ambra | |
360 | Charles D'Adamo | Editor, Alternative Press Index |
361 | Brian D'Agostino | consultant, self-employed |
362 | Deborah D'Amico | Murphy Institute of City University of New York |
363 | Margaretta D'Arcy | Writer, member of Aosdana |
364 | Bob D'Errico | Vocational Rehabilitation |
365 | Hamid Dabashi | Professor, Columbia University in New York |
366 | Mary A Dame, MD | Retired |
367 | MaryAnn Dancisin | |
368 | Gail Daneker | St. Paul, MN peace and justice activist |
369 | Harry Lee Daneker | retired |
370 | Arthur M Daniels | retired musicologist, United Federation of Teachers |
371 | Mary Brett Daniels | |
372 | Steve A. Daniels | Physician, Physicians for Social Responsibility |
373 | Parvin Darabi | president, Dr. Homa Darabi Foundation |
374 | Richard Darville | Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario |
375 | Nicolas J S Davies | Writer and activist, Coordinator - Progressive Democrats of America - Miami chapter |
376 | Parker J Davis | |
377 | Del D. Dawson | Retired |
378 | Susie E. Day | |
379 | Clarissa De castro lima | chef |
380 | Bonnie De Clark | |
381 | Noah De Lissovoy | Assistant Professor, University of Texas-Austin |
382 | Dikr J. De Lu | Administrator |
383 | Theadora Claudette De Soyza | retired teacher, PAXChristi |
384 | Frank E Deale | Law Professor, City University of New York School of Law |
385 | Larry O. Dean | Writer/musician/educator |
386 | Rosylin S Dean | Retired |
387 | Nicholas John Deane | Taxation Officer, Marrickville Peace Group |
388 | Richard L. Deats | Editor Emeritus,Fellowship of Reconciliation, FOR |
389 | Alex J DeFronzo | Student, University of Massachusetts Lowell |
390 | Marcia D Deignan | Teacher |
391 | Peter Alan DeLorenzo | musician |
392 | Jonathan Demme | filmmaker |
393 | Bogdan Denitch | Retired Ptrofessor, DSA |
394 | Todd E Dennis | Member, Iraq Veterans Against the War and Veterans For Peace |
395 | Ellora Ajanta Derenoncourt | |
396 | Hakim M Dermish | |
397 | Bill F Des Jardin | |
398 | Bhairavi M Desai | Labor Organizer |
399 | Kathleen Bowen Desautels | Justice Promoter, 8th Day Center for Justice |
400 | Frank and Patricia M Devaney | |
401 | Ray B DeVogel | RN |
402 | Stephen F. Diamond | Associate Professor of Law, Santa Clara University |
403 | Joseph F. DiBlanca | |
404 | Sandra L. Dickman | |
405 | Sam Diener | National Organizer, Military Families Speak Out, National Committee member, War Resisters League |
406 | Willaima Lewis Dienst,MD | |
407 | Robert D. Diesu | Peace of the Action |
408 | Winthrop C Dillaway, III | MD |
409 | Zoe Dimele | psychotherapist |
410 | Anthony R DiMaggio | |
411 | Jacqueline Disalvo | professor, baruch college |
412 | Zohair Diwan | Retired Lecturer |
413 | Roger W Doan | |
414 | Manuela Dobos | Assoc. Prof. of History, CUNY, ret., Brooklyn Peace |
415 | Rafal Dobrowolski | Union Organizer, San Diego Education Association |
416 | Tina Dobsevage, MD | |
417 | Irene J Doerksen | Office Administrator |
418 | Roberta D Doheny | sound mixer |
419 | Arthur A. Dole, Ph.D. | Trenton, Maine |
420 | Richard Lee Dominiak | Daycare Assistant |
421 | Peter J Donnelly | |
422 | Samuel Winden Donnelly | |
423 | George R Doolittle | |
424 | Ariel Dorfman | Author |
425 | B R Douglas | |
426 | Lisa J Dowling | |
427 | Elizabeth Morris Downie | Clergy, Episcopal Church |
428 | Dorothy A Doyle | |
429 | Eugene Doyle | |
430 | Jack A Draper III | Dr |
431 | Jack William Dresser | behavioral scientist |
432 | George B Driskell | Priest, Anglican Church |
433 | Nancy E. Du Plessis | |
434 | Martin Duberman | Distinguished Professor Emeritus of History;, the author of some 20 books |
435 | John P. Dudley | |
436 | Margaret T Dumas | teacher |
437 | Theresa Duperon | |
438 | Jeannie Darlene Dupont | social worker, retired |
439 | Leslie A Dwyer | |
440 | Peter W. Dwyer | Retiree |
441 | Robert Gilkey Dyck | emeritus professor, va tech |
442 | Marilyn Dyer | Quaker (Religious Society of Friends) |
443 | Steve Early | member, NWU/UAW |
444 | John F. Ebbott | Milwaukee, WI |
445 | Laurence H Ebersole | Counselor & human rights poet |
446 | Nathan Alan Eckstrand | Graduate Student, Duquesne University |
446 | Nathan A Eckstrand | |
448 | John Edminster | |
449 | Tom W. Edminster | high school teacher |
450 | Peter S. Edmunds | retired, vets for peace |
451 | Dan Edson | Engineer/Journalist |
452 | Diane Ehrensaft | Clinical Psychologist, Psychonalytic Institute of Northern California |
453 | Anthony & Elisabeth Ehrlich | West Virginians for Peace and Justice |
454 | Andy M Eiden | |
455 | Jane Eiseley | |
456 | Carolyn Eisenberg | Brooklyn for Peace |
457 | Michael Eisenscher | Coordinator, Bay Area Labor Committee for Peace & Justice |
458 | Adele Eisenstein | |
459 | Zillah Eisenstein | Prof of Political Theory & Anti-racist Feminisms, Ithaca College, Ithaca, NY |
460 | June Eisley | |
461 | Maggie C Eisner | medical practitioner |
462 | Barbara Eisold | psychologist |
463 | Kerry Ekenstam | |
464 | Susan C Ekstrom | retired legislative analyst |
465 | Sandy Elliott | Lopez Island, Washington |
466 | William C Elliott | |
467 | David A. Ellis | |
468 | Daniel Ellsberg | |
469 | Hajja Romi W. Elnagar | retired schoolteacher-librarian |
470 | Winston & Joan Elstob | |
471 | Marvin Engel | Retired |
472 | Michael Moshe Engel | |
473 | Karen Engelhart | |
474 | Tomas Bengt Engstrom | |
475 | Travis F Epes | |
476 | Donald E. Erdmann | Prince, Anarchist |
477 | Judy Elin Ericson | |
478 | Tom M. Erwin | sales |
479 | Alberto Carlos Escalante | Retired Union Activist/Organizer, UFW, SEIU |
480 | Isabel R Espinal | Librarian |
480 | Isabel Espinal | Librarian |
482 | Richard D Estes | attorney |
483 | Samuel J Estes | |
484 | Gregory V Esteve | |
485 | Claude Everett | Student |
486 | Matthew B Everett | Administrative Assistant, Trinity Wall Street |
487 | Roxanne Everett | Mary Kay Consultant |
488 | Gertrude Ezorsky | Brooklyn College Emerita |
489 | Bett Field Farber | Teacher, Nonviolent Communication Community |
490 | Samuel Farber | Author |
491 | Seth Farber, Ph.D. | |
492 | Faramarz Farbod | Adjunct Instructor of Political Science, Moravian College |
493 | Mansour Farhang | Professor of International Relations, Bennington College |
494 | Lynne Farmer | state park naturalist |
495 | Catherine B Fasy | Retired |
496 | Thomas Fasy, MD | Brussels Tribunal |
497 | Ansar Fayyazuddin | |
498 | Liza Featherstone | journalist/author |
499 | John Feffer | Co-director, Foreign Policy In Focus, Institute for Policy Studies |
500 | Pnina Feiler | Reg Nurse, PHR |
501 | Walter Feinberg | Retired Professor |
502 | Ann Ferguson | UMass Amherst |
503 | Mike Ferner | President, Veterans For Peace |
504 | Bob Fessenden | retired |
505 | Sandy Fessler | |
506 | Carlos Figueroa | New School for Social Research, NYC |
507 | Adam M. Finger | |
508 | Barry Finger | editorial board member, New Politics |
509 | David M Finkel | Managing editor, AGAINST THE CURRENT |
510 | Mary T. Finneran | |
511 | Lauren Fischer | |
512 | Julia M Fischer-Mackey | |
513 | Allan Paul Fisher | Professor, AFT 2121 |
514 | Edward Fisher | Interfaith Communities United for Justice and Peace |
515 | James rhoten Fisher | |
516 | Sally Fisher | President, Intersect Worldwide |
517 | Robert Fiske | retired United Methodist clergyman |
518 | Lisa Fithian | Co-convenor, United for Peace and Justice |
519 | John J. Fitzgerald | retired teacher Member of Longmeadow School Comm, Longmeadow Public Schools |
520 | Lynn Fitzgerald | teacher, CPS |
521 | Brian J Fitzpatrick | Attorney |
522 | Lowell L Flanders | United Nations (Ret.) |
523 | Andrew Robert Flechtner | |
524 | Hadassah Fleishon | |
525 | Cheryl Fleming | |
526 | Gordon N Fleming | Professor Emeritus of Physics, Penn State University |
527 | Robert L. Flores | |
528 | Alta Fly | Tucscon, AZ |
529 | Henry J. Foner | Retired President, Fur, Leather & Machine Workers Union |
530 | John Foran | Professor of Sociology, UC Santa Barbara |
531 | Mary E. Ford | |
532 | Jim C Forsyth | retired, UAW retired |
533 | Marylyn rita Fortin | |
534 | Stephen E. D. Fournier | Attorney, Co-chair Connecticut Green Party |
535 | Jean M Fox | |
536 | Suzanne E Fox | Pre Natal Coordinator, Planned Parenthood |
537 | Douglas a Foxvog | |
538 | Harriet Fraad | Psychotherapist |
539 | Ursula A. Franck | |
540 | Elizabeth Frank | |
541 | Peter M. Frankel | |
542 | Bob Frankenberg | human being |
543 | H. Bruce Franklin | Professor, Rutgers University--Newark |
544 | Barbara J Frederick | |
545 | Dale K Free | |
546 | R. Vernon Freeman | |
547 | Eric N French | Community Educator |
548 | Chris Fried | |
549 | David Friedman | Berkeley |
550 | Judi Friedman | Canton, CT. |
551 | Lou Friedman | Canton, CT |
552 | Mike Friedman | UC Berkeley |
553 | Peter Gray Friedman | Scientist |
554 | Sam Friedman | AIDS researcher and poet |
555 | Monica Fr”lander-Ulf | Associate Professor, Anthropology |
556 | Garry R Fry | |
557 | Andy J Fuertsch | |
558 | David Fullerton | Kent, WA |
559 | John H Fullinwider | Medical LIbrarian, UT Southwestern Medical Center |
560 | Samuel H. Funner | |
561 | John Gabree | Writer, Impractical Proposals |
562 | Haines B. Gaffner | |
563 | Bruce Gagnon | Coordinator, Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space |
564 | Peter L. Gale | lawyer |
565 | Kevin T Gallagher | |
565 | Kevin Gallagher | |
567 | Tom Gallagher | |
568 | Trish Gallagher | Code Pink |
569 | Pam Galpern | |
570 | Ruth and Herb Gamberg | |
571 | Gerald W Ganann | Veterans for Peace |
572 | Susan C Ganann | |
573 | Larry and Lenna Mae Gara | Emerti Professor, War Resisters League |
574 | Leonor Garc¡a | |
575 | Claire Etna Garden | |
576 | Judith K Gardiner | professor of English and of Gender and Women's S, U. Illinois Chicago |
577 | Toni Garmon | |
578 | Barbara Garson | author "MACBIRD,";, Staff of antiwar GI coffee house 1970-72 |
579 | Ellen Garvey | Professor |
580 | Phil Gasper | Madison Area Technical College (for identification purposes only |
581 | John Gebhardt | |
582 | Edward I Geffner | Executive/Attorney |
583 | Edgar Gehlert | retired |
584 | Mary Geissman | |
585 | Ty E. Geltmaker | Historian/Author |
586 | Irene Gendzier | boston university |
587 | Jack Gernitson | |
588 | Jack Gerson | Oakland Education Association |
589 | Joseph Gerson | American Friends Service Committee |
590 | Frances Geteles-Shapiro | |
591 | Kasum Geylani | |
592 | Dario Giacomoni | |
593 | Iris Giamo | saint mary's college |
594 | Allen H Gibas | Attorney at Law |
595 | James Gibbons, PhD | Clinical Psychologist, Redwood Psychological Assn |
596 | Mark M Giese | spec writer, none |
597 | Alan Gilbert | professor, University of Denver |
598 | John Witmer Gilbert | university instructor |
599 | Philip A Gilligan | |
600 | Trish M Gilligan | VP |
601 | Barry K Gills | Professor of Global Politics, Newcastle University, UK |
602 | Brian Gilmore | |
603 | Arturo Giraldez | Professor |
604 | Leah Gitter | |
605 | Kiwibob M Glanzman | |
606 | Leonard B Glick | Professor Emeritus of Anthropology, Hampshire College, Amherst, MA |
607 | Jana Glivicka | No Bases Initiative, Czech Republic |
608 | Thomas Ashley Glover | Self-employed retired teacher |
609 | Jill Godmilow | Professor, University of Notre Dame |
610 | Thomas Allen Goff | |
611 | Thomas F Gogan | Member, Brooklyn for Peace |
612 | Ernest E Goitein | |
613 | Diane B Gold | Communications; Writer |
614 | Anne F Goldberg | Social Worker |
615 | Nancy J Golden | |
616 | Walter L Goldfrank | UC Santa Cruz |
617 | Warren S. Goldstein | Center for Critical Research on Religion |
618 | Alice Golin | Educator and Writer |
619 | Steve Golin | professor emeritus of history, Bloomfield College, NJ |
620 | Bob L. Goodman | |
621 | Joanne M. Goodrich | retired, none |
622 | Chris Goodwin | |
623 | Jeff Goodwin | Professor of Sociology, New York University |
624 | Kip Goodwin | retired building contractor |
625 | Laura Gordon | |
626 | Leonard A. Gordon | Professor of History Emeritus, Brooklyn College, CUNY |
627 | Linda Gordon | NYU |
628 | Patricia Carol Gordon | artist |
629 | Suzanne Gordon | member, NWU/UAW |
630 | Jean C Gore | retired, WILPF |
631 | Sherry Gorelick | Sociologist, Rutgers University (retired) |
632 | Geoffrey M Gould | |
633 | Ginger Gouveia | |
634 | Henry & Rebecca Govert | Olumpia, WA |
635 | Raul Grajeda | |
636 | Jeremy Brian Granade | |
637 | Greg Grandin | Professor, NYU |
638 | Patricia Graney | Burnsville, MN |
639 | Philip Anthony Grant | |
640 | Molly L Graver | Attorney |
641 | Kevin Alexander Gray | |
642 | Richard Greeman | Writer, Victor Serge Foundation |
643 | Carol J Green | |
644 | Kenneth A Green | |
645 | Philip Green | New School for Social Research |
646 | Linda M Greene | |
647 | Matthew Bernard Greene | retired workman |
648 | Ruth Bryan Greene | scientist |
649 | Jules Greenstein | |
650 | Jan A Gregg | |
651 | Richard E. Gregory | |
652 | Kathleen Gresham | consultant |
653 | Joseph Grieco | |
654 | Mercy Grieco | |
655 | Jason Tyler Griffin | |
656 | Abu-Toma Griffith | Alqasas.net |
657 | Brad W Griffith | Realtor |
658 | Charles A. Grimes | Technican |
659 | Joan L Griscom | PhD, retired teacher of Women's Studies |
660 | Bob Griss | Director of Health Care Policy, Institute of Social Medicine & Community Health |
661 | Mary D Griswold | scenic artist, USA 829 IATSE |
662 | Anthony Gronowicz | Adjunct Associate Professor of History, Borough of Manhattan Collge |
663 | William F. Grover | Professor, Saint Michael's College |
664 | Marc Gr›nlund | |
665 | Robert Gruber | American Friends Service Committee |
666 | Lauren Grunewald | |
667 | Joseph Gubernick | New York |
668 | Pierre C Guerlain | Professor, Universit‚ Paris Ouest Nanterre, France |
669 | Peter P Gunther | Mr. |
670 | Arun Gupta | A founding editor of The Indypendent |
671 | Robert E. Guyon | Pocatello, Idaho |
672 | Raymond M. Gwinn | |
673 | E. Haberkern | Director, Center for Socialist History |
674 | Marilyn Hacker | Professor of English, City College of New York |
675 | Sarah r Haefner | retired, OFA |
676 | Najib Joe Hakim | |
677 | Ethel C Hale | |
678 | Ethel F. Hallett | Charlotte, Michigan |
679 | Wanda Willey Halpin | |
680 | Kenzo Hamano | professor |
681 | Gertrude Hames | |
682 | Mina Hamilton | Writer |
683 | Mike Hammer | |
684 | Connie Marie Hammond | Pharmacist, Progressive Peace Coalition |
685 | John Hammond | professor, City University of New York |
686 | Mo T Hannah | PhD, Siena College |
687 | Amy Harlib | |
688 | Marion Harper | Hon. Secretary Melbourne Unitarian Church |
689 | Ann S Harris | Professor, University of Pittsburgh |
690 | Leslie F. Harris | |
691 | Paul Harris | Various Religious and Community Groups |
692 | Simone Harris | |
693 | Susan R Harris | Professor Emerita, University of British Columbia |
694 | Harland Harrison | Libertarian Party of San Mateo County |
695 | James R Harrison | |
696 | Norma J F Harrison | Activist, Realtor, Peace and Freedom Party, socialist, on the ballot in Ca. |
697 | Thomas Harrison | Co-Director Campaign for Peace and Democracy |
698 | Lesley A Harrison-Roland | |
699 | Hershl Hartman | Secular Jewish vegvayzer/Leader, The Sholem Community, Los Angeles |
700 | Ralph Hashoian | |
701 | Gale Hathcock | |
702 | Mary Gibson Hatten | retired legal secreary |
703 | Richard L Hauenstein | |
704 | Glen Hauer | Jewish Voice for Peace |
705 | Rod B Hauser | Manager |
706 | Ann E Haviland | |
707 | Richard J Haviland | |
708 | Howie Hawkins | Green Party, Teamsters |
709 | James P Hawley | Processor, Saint Mary's College of California |
710 | Bill S Hay | |
711 | Jeff and Karen A. Hay | |
712 | William S Hay | |
713 | Robert J. Hayes | retired, Wichita peace and justice Center |
714 | Tanner Brown Hayes | Student, North Carolina State University |
715 | Lewis B Hayes Jr | retired |
716 | Jim H Head | |
717 | Susan T Heagney | |
718 | Daniel David Heath | |
719 | Ev Heath | Lynchberg Peace Education Center |
720 | Karen F. Heckler | |
721 | Chris Hedges | |
722 | Terence Hegarty | |
723 | Elizabeth Hegeman | clinical psychologist, john jay colllege of criminal justice |
724 | Dina Heisler | |
725 | Jesse Lokahi Heiwa | Co-coordinator, Hawai'i Solidarity Committee |
726 | Paul J. Helbling | |
727 | Ron Heller | |
728 | Susanna Heller | painter |
729 | Judith A Hempfling | Registered Nurse, President, Yellow Springs Village Council |
730 | Patricia A Hendricks | |
731 | Martha Hennessy | occupational therapist, Catholic Worker |
732 | Patrick G. Henry | Retired Teacher, Whitman College |
733 | Wendy B Henry | |
734 | Doug Henwood | Editor, Left Business Observer |
735 | Theodore Herman | |
736 | Selma Hermez | |
737 | Anita C Hernandez | Professor, Cal Poly |
738 | Kathleen Hernandez | Veterans For Peace United Teachers of Los Angeles |
739 | Marta Herrero | |
740 | Caroline Herzenberg | |
741 | David james Hess | retired dad, family man |
742 | Rolf E Heubel | |
743 | Theodore Raymond Hexter | |
744 | Michael david Hickey | |
745 | Rosemary Hicks | |
746 | Jon Hiesfelter | CWA 37083 |
747 | Ginny Hildebrand | |
748 | Joel Hildebrandt | teacher |
749 | Barbara Hilton | |
750 | David Himmelstein, MD | Associate Professor of Medicine, Harvard |
751 | Harriet Hinck | FFRF |
752 | Robert Dennis Hines | |
753 | Helen M Hintjens | International Institute of Social Studies |
754 | Nicole Hirayabayashi | Glen Ellen |
755 | Fred Hirsch | Plumber, Plumbers and Fitters Local 393 |
756 | Michael Hirsch | National Political Committee, Democratic Socialists of America |
757 | Harold W. Hirschlag | |
758 | Allen Hitchcock | |
759 | Harry S Hochheiser | |
760 | Paul L. Hodel | Educator/Counselor, Promoting an Enduring Peace |
761 | John Hofer | |
762 | Joan Hoff | Professor, Montana State University |
763 | Arlene Hoffer | retired electrician |
764 | David J Hoffman | public policy and political campaign consultant, Americans for Financial Reform (for identification only) |
765 | Eliot Hoffman | |
766 | Madelyn R Hoffman | Executive Director, New Jersey Peace Action |
767 | Connie Hogarth | Coordinator,, Connie Hogarth Center for Social Action,Manhattanville College |
768 | Kate Holcombe | www.directactionstation.com |
769 | Frank A. Holecek | |
770 | Nancy Hollander | History Professor Emerita and psychoanalyst, Board Member, Office of the Americas |
771 | Carol A. Hollomon | Retired Social Worker |
772 | Patricia Lange Holly | CodeP!nk ND |
773 | David Holmstrom | |
774 | Nancy Holmstrom | Left Forum Board of Directors |
775 | David R. Holt | retired teacher/counselor |
776 | Dr Bill Honigman | California State Coordinator, Progressive Democrats of America |
777 | Betsy Hooker | |
778 | Nicola D Hopkins | |
779 | Shel Horowitz | |
780 | Helen R Hortter | |
781 | Yetvart Hosepyan | |
782 | Joshua W Hough | |
783 | Jonathan House, MD | |
784 | John Howell | Tonawanda, NY |
785 | Winfield Stuart Hubbard | |
786 | Janet Hudgins | Writer, Student, Retired, CUPE (retired) |
787 | Leslie J Hudson | retired teacher, peace activist, writer, Bethlehem Neighbors for Peace |
788 | Bernard Hughes | |
789 | Inge Humbert | New York |
790 | Valerie Lyson Humphreys | Ordained Ministry |
791 | Ella Marie Hunt | Stockton, CA |
792 | Mary Hurtubise | |
793 | Harold and Jean Husby | |
794 | Catherine S Huston | |
795 | Denis N. Huston | Ocean Shores, Washington State |
796 | Michael Earl Hyde | |
797 | Nancy K Hynes | Health care business |
798 | Patricia Hynes | Board member, Traprock Center for Peace and Justice |
799 | Monica Hynes-Payack | registered nurse, BWH, Boston |
800 | John A. Iho | Trenary, MI |
801 | Jennifer Asunta Illenberg | |
802 | Doug Ireland | Journalist |
803 | Arif Ishaq | |
804 | Maurice Isserman | |
805 | Tadashi Erik Ito | Translator |
806 | Magnolia Izquierdo | interpreter/Com.Liaison |
807 | Marianne Jackson, PhD | Psychologist,, Brooklyn |
808 | Kurt Jacobsen | Research Associate, University of Chicago |
809 | Robert J Jacobson | Retired Managment Consultant |
810 | S. NMI Jahangeer | Professor |
811 | Margaret Jahn | |
812 | Melissa Jameson | |
813 | Maryam Jannah | |
814 | Tamzin R Jans | |
815 | Adelbert H. Jenkins | Oberlin, OH |
816 | Sharon Jenkins | RN |
817 | Doug Scott Jensen | Graduate Student, University of Minnesota |
818 | Barbara A Jeter | |
819 | Ragnar Bent Johannessen | |
820 | Cheryl Johnson | Davis, CA |
821 | Thomas R Johnson | Texas Faculty Assn (for identification only) |
822 | Mark C. Johnson, PhD | Executive Director, Fellowship of Reconciliation |
823 | Samuel p Jones | |
823 | Samuel P. Jones | artist |
825 | Lois M Jordan | |
826 | Robert Welsh Jordan | |
827 | Paul I. Joseph | Professor, Tufts University |
828 | Rose Drake Julstrom | Macomb, IL Unitarian-Univeralist Church |
829 | Moon-Kie Jung | |
830 | Ashlen Kate Justice | |
831 | Suzanne l. Kaebnick | Assistant Professor |
832 | Susan Kahn | |
833 | Ernst & Christa Kallenbach | |
834 | Jay J. Kallio | |
835 | Shiva Kambari | Think Peace |
836 | Herschel M Kaminsky | |
837 | Elizabeth Karan | retired, none |
838 | Richard A. Kark | Asheville, NC |
839 | Tom Joseph Karlson | poet, poets for peace |
840 | Herbert R. Kaste | Northfield, Minnesota |
841 | Taher E. Kasubhai | |
842 | Cindi Katz | Professor, Graduate Center, The City University of New York |
843 | Joseph P. Keenan, S.T. | Roman Catholic Priest |
844 | Thomas J. Keil | Professor |
845 | Peter J Keiser | |
846 | Gintaras Kekys | |
847 | Richard S Kellis | audio production |
848 | James R. Kelly | teacher, Fordham University |
849 | Jim E Kelly | Labor Studies Professor, AFT 6157 |
850 | Kathy Kelly | Voices for Creative Nonviolence |
851 | Kimberly Kennedy | Grannies For Peace, Women Against War |
852 | Jane Simon Kenner | Ph.D., Psychoanalyst, Psychoanalytic Institute of Northern California |
853 | Raymond E. Kenny | electrician, lu48 IBEW |
854 | Richard J. Keough | Retired, Pax Christi USA |
855 | Terese E Kerrigan | Office Manager |
856 | Linda Kerth, Ph.D. | |
857 | Stephen L. Kessler | social science researcher, Labor Committee for Peace and Justice/ USLAW |
858 | Alice Kessler-Harris | Columbia University |
859 | Assaf Kfoury | Professor, Boston University |
860 | Fatma aly Khafagy | Gender consultant, UNDP |
861 | Nasir Khan | Retired lecturer |
862 | Ray Khan | |
863 | Leslie Kielson | NYC United for Peace and Justice |
864 | Glen J. Kilpatrick | |
865 | Steve Kindred | Truck Driver, Trouble Maker, Teamsters for a Democratic Union, StellaD'Orostrike.com |
866 | Elisabeth King | retired |
867 | Michael King | |
868 | Ruth H. King | Retired academic |
869 | Keith C. Kinion | |
870 | Jerome J. Kirsling | |
871 | Erica F Kissling | |
872 | Thomas Kissling | retired |
873 | Sidney H. Kivanoski | |
874 | Patrick Kleeblatt | Journalist, indymedia-letzebuerg |
875 | Don Klein | |
876 | Zachary W. Klein | writer |
877 | John L Kleinpell | mr |
878 | Miriam Kley | Prof of Art, U of Oregon |
879 | Anita S. Kline | |
880 | Peter Klosterman | |
881 | Anita Marie Knochen | substitute teacher |
882 | Marvin D. Knudson | |
883 | Kartini Kochar | |
884 | Patricia Gail Kocher | |
885 | Janet Koenig | |
886 | Robert Emil Koenig | Rev. Dr., United Church of Christ |
887 | Robert J. Koenn | Engineer |
888 | Craig M. Kois | University instructure |
889 | Eva Kollisch | author of Girl in Movement, and The Ground Under My Feet |
890 | Heather Koponen | |
891 | James l. Koreski | retired |
892 | Jeanne E Koster | retired, Catholic |
893 | David Kotelchuck | Teacher (retired), PSC-CUNY |
894 | David M. Kotz | college professor, University of Massachusetts Amherst |
895 | Thomas W. Krakat | |
896 | Matt E Kresling | Video Editor, none |
897 | Sylvia Krewson-Reck | |
898 | Nancy Krieger | Professor, Harvard School of Public Health |
899 | Bertha Kriegler | librarian |
900 | Steve A Krizman | Communication, World citizen |
901 | Grayson W. Krueger | Teacher |
902 | Jessica M. Krueger | |
903 | Duane Eric Krumweide | |
904 | Ingeborg Kuhn | retired |
905 | Joyce Kunz | |
906 | Hyman - Kuritz | Professor of History, State University of New York (Albany) |
907 | Mark Kurlansky | writer |
908 | Reed M. Kurtz | |
909 | Jack Kurzweil | Wellstone Democratic Renewal Club |
910 | Lynne Kwalwasser | psychologist, NYU |
911 | Dale T. La Belle | Independent Scholar |
912 | Dan La Botz | Labor journalist |
913 | Sarah Emily Labance, Ph.D. | Environmental Engineer |
914 | Carole C. Labrousse | teacher, Christian |
915 | Nel LaBar | |
916 | Paul J Lacques | |
917 | Scott Laderman | Assistant Professor of History, University of Minnesota, Duluth |
918 | Diane Laison | Retired |
919 | Gary B. Laison | professor |
920 | Vinay Lal | Associate Professor of History, UCLA |
921 | Jack F. Lally | |
922 | Christopher LaLone | |
923 | Larry H. Lambert | |
924 | Susan C. Lamont | Office Manager, Peace & Justice Center of Sonoma County |
925 | Thomas LaMrre | Professor, McGill University |
926 | Hazel Hoag Landa | |
927 | Micah Landau | Graduate Students United (GSU) |
928 | Suzanne E. Landreth | homemaker |
929 | Timothy D. Landry | |
930 | Joanne Landy | Co-Director, Campaign for Peace and Democracy |
931 | Lynn Lane | Newe York City |
932 | Lauren Langman | Professor, Loyola University of Chicago |
933 | Sarah F. Lanzman | Chef |
934 | Joseph W. Lapsley | history professor, Loyola Chicago University |
935 | Gerald Larsen | Minneapolis, MN |
936 | Jack Lenor Larsen | |
937 | Cris Larson | teacher |
938 | Marc H H Lavietes | MD, New Jersey Medical School |
939 | William Lawlor | |
940 | Mary N. Layoun | Professor of Comparative Literature, University of Wisconsin, Madison |
941 | Barbara W Lea | Retired Educator |
942 | Nydia Leaf | Resistance Cinema |
943 | Ed John Lebon | |
944 | William M. Lehmberg | marketing consultant |
945 | Genevieve Lehr | poet, teacher |
946 | George J. Leibman | Assistant Professor, Bronx Community College, CUNY |
947 | Roger E. Leisner | Founder/Owner, Radio Free Maine |
948 | Clyde D. Leland | editor, Parenting in the Nuclear Age |
949 | David Lelyveld | Professor, William Paterson University |
950 | Ellen Lemisch | |
951 | Jesse Lemisch | Professor of History Emeritus, John Jay College, City University of NY |
952 | Elisabeth Leonard | |
953 | Sue Leonard | |
954 | Ellen Leopold | |
955 | Kenny D. Lerner | |
956 | Rabbi Michael Lerner | Editor, Tikkun www.tikkun.org; Chair, the, Network of Spiritual Progressives -www.spiritualprogressives.org |
957 | Robert E. Lerner | Professor of History, Northwestern University |
958 | Katharine S. Lester | |
959 | Alita Letwin | Educator |
960 | Leon Letwin | Professor of Law, Emeritus, UCLA School of Law |
961 | Judith Levine | |
962 | Paul S. Levine | Attorney |
963 | Richard Levins | ecologist, Harvard School of Public Health |
964 | Elana Levy | professor |
965 | Stephen Levy | |
966 | Daniel Lewart | |
967 | Jennifer Lewis | U.S. citizen abroad |
968 | John Michael Lewis | Counselor |
969 | Traven Leyshon | President, Washington-Orange Labor Council |
970 | Mary J. Lickert | |
971 | Lori B. Liederman | Union Representative |
972 | Werner A. Lind | |
973 | Mr Aron Lindblom | |
974 | Michael L Lindley | Preadent, VETERANS FOR PEACE CH.7 |
975 | John Lindsay-Poland | |
976 | Elliot Linzer | freelance indexer |
977 | Heather N. Lipinski | |
978 | Arthur and Gretchen Lipow | |
979 | Sandee S Lippman | |
980 | Kathy Lipscomb | bay-area labor committee for peace & justice |
981 | Jerzy Paweł Listwan | translator, poet, singer, Buddha Smile Sangha, Warsaw, Poland |
982 | Rod Kent Livdahl | driver |
983 | Joan S. Livingston | |
984 | Martha Livingston | Physicians for a National Health Program, NY Metro Chapter |
985 | Marie M. Lloyd | volunteer community leader, Suzuki Foundation |
986 | Judith Lockard | psychotherapist, NASW |
987 | Roget Lockard | |
988 | Zachary Lockman | Professor, New York University |
989 | Louise Lockwood-Zorowski | |
991 | Peter Loeb | Boston, MA |
992 | Patrick Loman | President, Touro Law Center National lawyers Guild Ghapter |
993 | Joe Lombardo | National Assembly & Bethlehem Neighbors for Peace |
994 | Marjory Long | |
995 | Xiaoying Long | student |
996 | Dennes Longoria | |
997 | Arvid T. Lonseth | Ph. D. in physics, retired |
998 | Hector L Lopez | |
999 | Douglas L Love | Database Security Administrator, Prince George's Peace and Justice coalition treasurer |
1000 | Nancy S. Lovejoy | Mrs. |
1001 | Christopher A. Lubienski | |
1002 | Danny R. Luce | |
1003 | Cecelia Eaton Luschnig | |
1004 | Catherine Lutz | Professor, Brown University |
1005 | Mickie Lynn | Women Against War |
1006 | Henry R Maar | UCSB |
1007 | John J Mac Dougall | |
1008 | Norman MacAfee | writer |
1009 | George C. Maccia | Professor Emeritus, Indiana University |
1010 | Carroll Childs Macdonald | artist, painter |
1011 | Steph. MacDowall | Nanaimo, B.C. |
1012 | Robert K. Machover | Retired filmmaker |
1013 | David M Maciewski | organic farm hand/direct service provider, Saints Francis & Therese Catholic Worker/Worcester Peaceworks |
1014 | Sandra R Mackie | Reverend |
1015 | Don MacKeen | Lecturer |
1016 | Lisa MacLeod | |
1017 | Joanna R. Macy | |
1018 | Colin N Maddock | |
1019 | James Joseph Madigan | Maryland Green Party |
1020 | Lynn Magdol | Buffalo, NY |
1021 | James S. Magestro | |
1022 | Steven michael Mahakian | accountant |
1023 | Marjo D. Maisterra | Teacher |
1024 | Joseph Maizlish | |
1025 | Jan Majicek | ant-war activist, Czech Republic |
1026 | Mary Maku | |
1027 | Marcia Malkoff | Rockland Coal. for Peac and Justice;, Rockland Coal. for Democracy and Freedom |
1028 | Mahmood Mamdani | Professor, Columbia University |
1029 | Marc J. Mancini | |
1030 | Constance A Mancuso | |
1031 | Gloria Mandelbaum | NYC Nation reader & supporter 55 yrs |
1032 | Betty Mandell | Co-Editor, New Politics |
1033 | Marvin Mandell | Co-Editor, New Politics |
1034 | Marvin and Betty Mandell | retired |
1035 | Patricia S Mann | Attorney |
1036 | Nasir Mansoor | Deputy General Secretary, National Trade Union Federation (Pakistan) |
1037 | Romero Manzo | executive recruiter, self-employed |
1038 | Kathleen A Marcato | retired teacher, AFL-CIO |
1039 | John D. Marciano | Professor Emeritus, State University of New York |
1040 | Guy - Marco | |
1041 | Frances Marcuse | retired teacher, waterbury |
1042 | Richard J Marini | Software Engineer, Peace Action,Movement for a Democratic Soceity,World Can't Wait |
1043 | Stephen Markel | |
1043 | Stephen Markel | |
1045 | Nancy S Marks | Attorney |
1046 | Julie Frances Marlow | Ms, Australian Anti-Bases Campaign Coalition |
1047 | Steve R. Marquardt | |
1048 | Dave Marsh | writer, broadcaster, Rock & Rap Confidential, Sirius Satellite Radio |
1049 | Katherine M. Marshall | Women Speak Out for Peace and Justice |
1050 | Rachelle & Hubert Marshall | Stanford, CA |
1051 | Alexander R Martin | retired |
1052 | Dr. Glen T. Martin | Secretary-General, World Constitution and Parliament Association |
1053 | Gregory j Martin | chef |
1054 | Michael Seth Martin | |
1055 | Coleen E Martinez | STOP! Mortgage Servicers |
1056 | Mary B. Marx | |
1057 | Daniel E Matarozzi | |
1058 | Mary Mathai | |
1059 | Yassamine Mather | |
1060 | Arnold H Matlin | M.D., Genesee Valley Citizens for Peace |
1061 | Tyler H Matta | Media Technician |
1062 | Carol a Mattessich | |
1063 | Allan F. Matthews | |
1064 | Janet M Mauer | American citizen (not consumer) |
1065 | Virginia Maw | |
1066 | Susan M Maxwell | |
1067 | Christopher May | retired CIA officer, retired lawyer |
1068 | Father Paul Mayer | |
1069 | Natasha Mayers | |
1070 | Douglas Gordon Mayfield | pharmacist |
1071 | Sheila M Mazar | |
1072 | Marilyn Mc Ateer | |
1073 | Russell T McAdams | Driver |
1074 | Betty McCandless | Media, PA |
1075 | Don R. McCanne, M.D. | Senior Health Policy Fellow, Physicians for a National Health Program |
1076 | Sheila A McCarthy | |
1077 | Timothy Patrick McCarthy | Harvard |
1078 | Matthew S. McClelland | |
1079 | Annie - McCombs | Crisis Worker - Kalamazoo, MI |
1080 | Michael S. McCormack | Campus Minister |
1081 | John H McCraw | |
1082 | David A. McCullough | Atlanta Solidarity |
1083 | Jim E. McCurdy | machinist, independent |
1084 | Carolyn A. McDade | |
1085 | Josephine Luella McDonald | Retired, none |
1086 | Kristin M McElroy | student |
1087 | Ian A McFarland | professor |
1088 | Steven McGarity | |
1089 | Patrick McGinnis | |
1090 | Anita McKay | |
1091 | Jeffrey B. McKinnon | High School Theatre ArtsTeacher, Progressive Green |
1092 | Emily Violet McLain | |
1093 | Scott McLemee | book columnist, Inside Higher Ed |
1094 | Ian McMahan | Professor Emeritus, Brooklyn College, CUNY |
1095 | Dr. Nancy H. McMurtry | |
1096 | Donald H McNeill | physicist |
1097 | David McReynolds | Former Chair, War Resisters International |
1098 | Pat M McSweeney | Retired teacher |
1099 | Philip G Mead | |
1100 | Bernice Medici | |
1101 | Hilda Julia Meers | Retired, Grampian Senior Citizens |
1102 | John Melby | Emeritus Professor of Music, University of Illinois |
1103 | David W Meldrum | |
1104 | Margaret Melkonian | Long Island for Peaceful Alternatives |
1105 | Martin Melkonian | Hofstra LITHR (Long Island Teachers for Human Ri, (Long Island Teachers for Human Rights) |
1106 | Janet M Melton | |
1107 | Meta Mendel-Reyes | Dr., Berea College |
1108 | Bob Meola | War Resisters League, Courage to Resist, MDS |
1109 | Dawn Meredith | Attorney |
1110 | Mark Blair Merritt | |
1111 | Connie Joann Metcalf | |
1112 | John E Metcalf | |
1113 | Philip Metzger | |
1114 | Sarah N Meyer | researcher, BRussels Tribunal |
1115 | Philip P Micklin | |
1116 | Hannah Elina Middleton | Dr Eexecutive Officer Sydney Peace Foundation |
1117 | Maxwell Joseph Middleton | retired |
1118 | Gaia Mika | Psychologist, retired |
1119 | Judith Milde | |
1120 | Lenora Miles | |
1121 | John Milfull | Emeritus Professor of European Studies, University of New South Wales |
1122 | Philip L Milgrom | |
1123 | Carol Miller | Activist |
1124 | Chris J Miller | |
1125 | Ivan Lee Miller | |
1126 | Jerry Lee Miller | Reverend, Church of the Brethren |
1127 | John M Miller | War Resisters League |
1128 | Joyce Rosemary Miller | |
1129 | Kerby Miller | |
1130 | Linda H Miller | |
1131 | Robert Miller | |
1132 | William deB. Mills | political scientist |
1133 | Daniel Millstone | Attorney |
1134 | Donald Minasian | |
1135 | Tina Elaine Minkowitz | Attorney, Center for the Human Rights of Users and Survivors of Psychiatry |
1136 | William A Minneman | |
1137 | Davis B Mirza | Teacher |
1138 | Ruth Misheloff | College teacher |
1139 | Mark S. Mishler | Attorney |
1140 | Cecilia Mitchell | |
1141 | Kristina A Mitchell | |
1142 | Peter R. Mitchell | |
1143 | Tony Mitre | |
1144 | Jerry Modugno | Laytonville, CA |
1145 | Jens Moellenhoff | human being |
1146 | Ted Mohr | |
1147 | Esha Momeni | Student |
1148 | Jill Monacelli | |
1149 | Greg Monk | |
1150 | Michelle Monroe | |
1151 | Warren Montag | |
1152 | Anne Montgomery | |
1153 | Chris a Moore | MSgt (R) |
1154 | LeRoy Moore | |
1155 | Michelle Moore | Self employed |
1156 | Thomas Moore | |
1157 | Joan Mootry | |
1158 | Maeve p Moran | retired |
1159 | Marilyn H Morehead | |
1160 | Jan E. Morel | |
1161 | Ted Morgan | Professor, Political Science - Lehigh University |
1162 | William & Angeline Morocco | |
1163 | Bill and Fay Morris | |
1164 | Frankie Morris | |
1165 | Roger Morris | Historian, Author |
1166 | Andreas Moses | |
1167 | Susanne M. Moses | |
1168 | Jan M. Mosgofian | retired |
1169 | Bob Mosher | |
1170 | David e Moshoures | own a heating and air company |
1171 | Jean marie Mueller | |
1172 | MaryAnne Muller | |
1173 | Sean Christopher Mulligan | |
1174 | Atiya Munir | Policy Officer |
1175 | Erika Munk | Writer |
1176 | Michael Munk | |
1177 | Carol H. Munter | |
1178 | Jerrie Murguia | Millbrae, CA |
1179 | B. E. Murphy | Recently retired legal assistant |
1180 | Barbara E. Murphy | Recently retired Legal Assistant |
1181 | John A. Murphy | |
1182 | Joseph T. Murphy | Retired |
1183 | Susan Jean Murray | |
1184 | Dorothy Rose Myers | Lake Isabella, CA |
1185 | Michael Myerson | |
1186 | Mary H. Najarian | |
1187 | Michel Assis Navarro | Teacher |
1188 | Hazel J. Neal | Ms |
1189 | Bob and Carolyn J Nechal | |
1190 | Wanda s Needleman | |
1191 | Moshe Neeman | Israeli Occupation Archive |
1192 | Jack and Helen Neff | Williams, Oregon |
1193 | Jan Neffke | |
1194 | Dean P. Neiman | |
1195 | Marilyn Neimark | |
1196 | Mary Nerney | retired |
1197 | Robert E. Nesson | Filmmaker, professor, Nesson Media Boston, Inc., and Emerson College |
1198 | Ulla Neuburger | |
1199 | Gail Neumann | Gray Panthers |
1200 | Sherman G. Neusom | Author, Big Fat Hunka Cheese |
1201 | Joseph Paul Nevins | |
1202 | C. A. Newhouse | |
1203 | Charlie M Newman | |
1204 | Nancy Newman | Social Worker |
1205 | Ron Newman | |
1206 | Vicky W Newman | I am a professor, University of Utah |
1207 | Donna D Newton | Customer Service |
1208 | Cheryl Niccoli | |
1209 | Daniel Alan Nichols | |
1210 | Art Nilsson | |
1211 | Marc Andr‚ Noiseux | retired |
1212 | Bob Nolan | citizen |
1213 | Mary Nolan | Professor, Dept. of HIstory, New York University |
1214 | Joanne W Norris | |
1215 | Pat and Bill Nottingham | Retired |
1216 | David Novogrodsky | |
1217 | Cecilia Nunez | |
1218 | Derrick David OïKeefe | co-chair, Canadian Peace Alliance |
1219 | Mary E. O'Brien, MD | Columbia University, NY Metro PNHP board member |
1220 | Christine A O'Connell | |
1221 | David C O'Connor | |
1222 | Jack O'Dell | Vancouver, B.C. |
1223 | Brendan O'Kane | Sydney Branch Secretary, Progressive Labour Party (Australia) |
1224 | Kevin O'Neill | |
1225 | David Oakford | New york |
1226 | Robert Oakford | electrician, ibew |
1227 | Marlene Obeid | Community Worker, Stop the War Coalition, Sydney |
1228 | Hisham Obeidat | professor |
1229 | Professor K. Ochs | Associate Professor Emeritus |
1230 | Declan Oconnell | cappainter |
1231 | Tim ed OConnor | |
1232 | David G Oddo | Teacher |
1233 | Jesse T Ofner | |
1234 | Tamaki Ogata | |
1235 | Carl Oglesby | Writer |
1236 | Michiko Oki | retired |
1237 | Jocelyn Olcott | Associate Professor of History, Duke University |
1238 | Lynnda Oliveira | |
1239 | Peter B Olney | Organizing Director, ILWU |
1240 | Carolyn Toll Openheim | writer, activist |
1241 | Carolyn Toll Oppenheim | Journalist, Council on International and Public Affairs |
1242 | Martin Oppenheimer | |
1243 | Stephen Oren | |
1244 | Diana Orendi | Professor, The Cleveland State University |
1245 | Wendy Oser | |
1246 | Roberto Tito Otero | |
1247 | Chris Gordon Owen | writer |
1248 | Rosemarie Pace, Ed.D. | Director, Pax Christi Metro New York |
1249 | Marianna Ruth Padilla | personal trainer and health educator |
1250 | James D. Page | |
1251 | Paul Marcel Page | |
1252 | Ricky Francis Page | Socialist Party,USA |
1253 | William B. Palm | Chicago |
1254 | Gus Pappas | |
1255 | Hope Angela Parisi | |
1256 | Phyllis E Park | Librarian, Paint Valley Local Schools |
1257 | Mike Parker | |
1258 | Joseph Parko | retired, Cumberland Countians for Peace & Justice |
1259 | Thomas K Parlin | |
1260 | Ismael Parra | |
1261 | John Parsons | |
1262 | Ibrahim Y Patel | |
1263 | Michael Pattberg | Chair, Boston Democratic Socialists of America |
1264 | R. Tom Pattee | |
1265 | MaryLouise Patterson, M.D. | |
1266 | Bobby Michael Pavia | Actor, Founder of Independent and Progressive Movement in Stamford CT. |
1267 | Heather Peake | |
1268 | Suzanne E. Pearce | |
1269 | Janet M Pearson | |
1270 | Jill Diane Pearson | |
1271 | Bruce Michael Pech | Attorney, Retired |
1272 | Nancy Ashley Peck | dog walker/nanny |
1273 | Robert D Peebles | |
1274 | Margaret C Peeples | librarian, NC Peace Action |
1275 | Eva Pellegrini | Student |
1276 | Paul Peloquin | |
1277 | Rachael A Peltz | Clinical Psychologist, Psychoanalytic Institute of Northern California |
1278 | William I. Peltz | Labor-Religion Coalition of the Capital District |
1279 | William A. Pelz | Director, Institute of Working Class History, Chicago |
1280 | Darby J Penney | |
1281 | Antoinette m Pereira | self employed |
1282 | Daniel Perez Creus | Retired |
1283 | Diana Lin Peterlin | |
1284 | Cynthia Anne Peters | editor, The Change Agent |
1285 | Lavinia Petersen | Houston, TX |
1286 | Daniel Peterson | |
1287 | Faith Petric | |
1288 | Lee Petrie-Springer | massage therapist |
1289 | Maggie Phair | Socialist Party, USA |
1290 | Christopher Phelps | Department of History, The Ohio State University |
1291 | William F Phillips | 1960s SDS activist, probable 2010s activist |
1292 | Charlotte Phillips MD | Pediatrician, Brooklyn For Peace (identification only) |
1293 | Don Pike | Retiree Director |
1294 | Marc Pilisuk | Professor, Saybrook Graduate School and The University of California |
1295 | Cecile Pineda | writer, NWU |
1296 | Rosemary J Piser | |
1297 | Frances Fox Piven | Graduate School, City University of New York |
1298 | Donald m Pleasant | retired |
1299 | Vivian and Robert Plonsey | Elders for Peace |
1300 | Sheldon Plotkin | consuting engineer, member of the Southern California Federation of Scientists |
1301 | Peter John Pollard | |
1302 | Csaba Polony | Editor/Publisher, Left Curve Publicaions |
1303 | Douglas M Pomeroy | |
1304 | James Gray Pope | Professor of Law, Rutgers University |
1305 | Terry Dale Poplawski | |
1306 | Gareth Porter | investigative journalist, Inter Press Service |
1307 | Stephen Portuges | Psychologist, Psychoanalysis for Social Responsibility |
1308 | Charles Post | AFT 2334/PSC-CUNY |
1309 | Danny Postel | Contributing Editor, Logos: A Journal of Modern |
1310 | Maureen M Potter | |
1311 | Jane Power | Vancouver, BC, Canada |
1312 | Carl Prather | |
1313 | Lisa Marie Press | Child Care Provider |
1314 | Lance Preston | Fisherman |
1315 | William Gordon Prettie | artist |
1316 | Margery L Prickett | teacher |
1317 | Samuel G Prieto | Graduate Student, University of California, Santa Barbara |
1318 | Eric Probola | |
1319 | Jerry Armand Provencher | carpenter |
1320 | Jean-Marc Pruit | |
1321 | Donna Pucciani | Writer; retired teacher |
1322 | Candida Pugh | |
1323 | Patricia Pynchon | |
1324 | Shaukat --- Qadir | Brig (R), Nil |
1325 | Martha Quinn | Retired, Librarian, Solidarity, AFSCME Retired |
1326 | Patrick M. Quinn | University Archivist Emertius Northwestern Unive |
1327 | Therese Maura Quinn | Associate of Professor Art Education |
1328 | Richard A Rabin | |
1329 | Paula Rabinowitz | |
1330 | Dusty S. Rabjohn | |
1331 | Peter J. Rachleff | Professor of History, Macalester College |
1332 | Larry Racies | |
1333 | Jack N Radey | Associate Producer, none |
1334 | Leila R Raim | |
1335 | Raymond R Ramos | MD, Kaiser Permanente |
1336 | Ramotringo Ramotringo | Singer/Songwriter |
1337 | Nancy S Ramsden | |
1338 | Damon Ramsey | General Surgeon, UBC |
1339 | Daniel L. Raphael | Portland, OR |
1340 | Nikos Raptis | Civil Engineer |
1341 | Habib Rathle | |
1342 | James Ray | Leachville, Arkansas |
1343 | Michael B Reagan | PhD Student, University of Washington |
1344 | Paraic Reamonn | |
1345 | Barbara B Rebenstorf | Central Oregon Peace Network |
1346 | Michael W Redmond | |
1347 | Rush Rehm | Professor, Stanford University |
1348 | Matthias - Reichl | Center for Encounters and Active Non-Violence |
1349 | Emily Rose Reilly | |
1350 | Fred M. Reinman | Retired |
1351 | Jose Reissig | Rhinebeck, NY |
1352 | Gerardo Renique | CUNY |
1353 | Ann K. Resch | retired |
1354 | J. Tyler Resch | librarian, writer |
1355 | Oscar Revilla Alguacil | |
1356 | Ben L Reynoso | |
1357 | Mary jayne Rezner | |
1358 | Roger Ribbe | |
1359 | Judith M Ribbens | licensed professional counselor |
1360 | Michael Rice | retired physicist and lawyer |
1361 | David H. Richardson | Economist |
1362 | Margaret Richardson | |
1363 | Robert W Richey | psychologist |
1364 | Michele Richman | Professor, University of Pennsylvania |
1365 | Carol Rick | Philadelphia Women's International League for, Peace and Freedom |
1366 | Ross K Rieder | President, Pacific NW Labor History Association |
1367 | Margaret Riehl | |
1368 | Bob and Carmen Riggs | |
1369 | James Allen Rilee | |
1370 | Michael P Ring | |
1371 | Dan Ringer-Barwick | |
1372 | Kahleen L Riojas | Student |
1373 | Suzanne M Ristagno | Activist |
1374 | Julio C. Rivera | |
1375 | Lucille Rivin | |
1376 | Philip J Robar | |
1377 | Bonnie L Robbins | Teacher, none |
1378 | Joan Hamerman Robbins/Bill Robbins | |
1379 | Gary Robert | |
1380 | Wally Roberts | writer |
1381 | Richard Mac Robertson | |
1382 | Corey Robin | Associate Professor of Political Science, Brooklyn College and the CUNY Graduate Center |
1383 | CJ Robinson | retail sales |
1384 | Stewart M. Robinson | |
1385 | Valerie Countway Robinson | Stop Targeting Ohio Poor, director |
1386 | Len Rodberg | Queens College |
1387 | Amado Rodriguez | USN Retired |
1388 | Ann M. Rogers | Board Member, Northern Michigan Environmental Action Council |
1389 | Marc S. Rogers | School psychologist |
1390 | Gordon Rogoff | Professor, Yale School of Drama |
1391 | Stephen F Rohde | Chair, Interfaith Communities United for Justice and Peace |
1392 | Russell W Rollins | |
1393 | Stanley Romaine | Chairperson, Great Neck SANE/Peace Action |
1394 | Sam Paul Romano | social worker |
1395 | John James Rooney | |
1396 | Brendan Kelleher Rose | |
1397 | Louis H. Rose | |
1398 | Bruce A Rosen | |
1399 | Ruth Rosen | Historian and Journalist, University of California |
1400 | Mark A Rosenberg | |
1401 | Elizabeth R. Rosenthal, MD | |
1402 | Mark C. Rosenzweig | Progressive Librarians Guild |
1403 | Janet R. Ross | |
1404 | Lois Ross | retired |
1405 | Ruth W Ross | Medical writer |
1406 | Albert L Rossi | Research Programmer |
1407 | Robert Laszlo Roth | Writer, "And Then" magazine |
1408 | Peter Rothberg | |
1409 | Marcia Rothenberg | |
1410 | Melvin Rothenberg | |
1411 | Louis S. Rothschild | Clinical Psychologist, Independent Practice |
1412 | Matthew Rothschild | Editor, The Progressive magazine |
1413 | Teal K Rothschild | Associate Professor of Sociology |
1414 | Barry T Rubin | PH D |
1415 | Julie L Rufo | |
1416 | Robert H Runkel | Consultant, Runkel Consulting |
1417 | Ruth Russell | |
1418 | Ann M. Russo | Professor |
1419 | Susan Ruzic | |
1420 | Claudia J. Ryan | MSW |
1421 | Chris B. S. | |
1422 | Rohan A. Sabnis | Student |
1423 | Joe Sain | |
1424 | James A. Sajdak | Social Worker |
1425 | Saundra Annwyn Salyer | |
1426 | John Sanbonmatsu | Professor, Worcester Polytechnic Institute |
1427 | Patricia Mary Sanchez | Ms |
1428 | Saul Sanchez | |
1429 | Steven E Sanderson | Citizen |
1430 | Al Sandine | Writer |
1431 | Ajamu K. Sankfoa | Adjunct Professor, National Conference of Black Lawyers |
1432 | Maria D. Santiago | |
1433 | Marlena Santoyo | Retired teacher, Philadelphia Federation of teachers |
1434 | Albert L Sargis | |
1435 | Jorge Aziz Sawaya | |
1436 | Alexander Saxton | |
1437 | Carole Sayle | |
1438 | Charles Scarlott | |
1439 | Jennifer Scarlott | Director, International Conservation Initiatives, Sanctuary Asia |
1440 | Kate Scarlott | |
1441 | Michael P Schafer | |
1442 | Jay Schaffner | Moderator, Portside |
1443 | David Schaich | Socialist Party |
1444 | Peter C Schanck | |
1445 | Samuel Adler Scharff | Retired engineer, VFP |
1446 | Thomas J. Scheff | Dr., UCSB |
1447 | John D Schellenger | |
1448 | Gloria Scher | |
1449 | Peter A. Scher | President, Relativity Travel |
1450 | Bill Scheurer | Editor, PeaceMajority Report |
1451 | Paul G. Schmidt | Santa Cruz, CA |
1452 | Steve S Schnapp | Education Coordinator |
1453 | Deborah L Schneider | Veterans For Peace San Diego Chapter 91 |
1454 | Nancy Schniedewind | |
1455 | Patricia Jane Schoen | |
1456 | Allon Schoener | author |
1457 | Lori Schoffstall | |
1458 | Antony Declan Schofield | Advocate, Unison |
1459 | Janice Scholl | |
1460 | Claire L. Schosser | |
1461 | Ellen Schrecker | Yeshiva University |
1462 | Tatiana Schreiber | Teacher/Journalist/Farmer |
1463 | Steven Schroeder | Writer |
1464 | Jason A. Schulman | Adjunct Assistant Professor, CUNY |
1465 | Ernest A. & Janice H. Schulte | Retired Air Cargo Agent |
1466 | Manuel D Schulte | |
1467 | David A. Schultz | Professor, Hamline University |
1468 | Robert Schwab | |
1469 | Daniel Schwartz | Professor, Sociology, University of New Mexico |
1470 | Peter O. Schwartz | mathematician |
1471 | David W Schwartzman | Professor, DC Statehood Green Party, Green Party of the United States |
1472 | Eric Schwing | Green Industries |
1473 | Jocelynne A. Scutt | Barrister & human rights lawyer, melbourne/sydney australia and london united kingdom |
1474 | Maynard S. Seider | Professor of Sociology, Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts |
1475 | Michael Seitz | John Jay College, CUNY |
1476 | Dawn lavinia Seng | nurse manager, anti bases |
1477 | Richard Sentner, Jr. | |
1478 | Julie A Setele | |
1479 | Stu L Shafer | |
1480 | Edward Harry Shaffer | Professor Emeritus-University of Alberta, Veterans Against Nuclear Arms |
1481 | Stephen R. Shalom | William Paterson University of NJ |
1482 | Charles R Shamel | retired teacher |
1483 | Herbert and Judith Shapiro | Professor of History-social work professor ret., Univ.of Cincinnati |
1484 | Robert Shapiro | Biochemist |
1485 | Vita C Shapiro | |
1486 | Adam Shatz | editor, London Review of Books |
1487 | Anthony Shaw | |
1488 | Sallie Shawl | |
1489 | Matthew Sheehy | Ausin, TX |
1490 | JIll Sheinberg | mediator |
1491 | David Shelly | Allentown Armory Activists |
1492 | Anna P Shenk | |
1493 | Mayer Shevin | |
1494 | Magid Shihade | Professor, LUMS, Lahore, Pakistan |
1495 | Elaine A Shinbrot | retired |
1496 | Rohna Anna Shoul | retired social worker |
1497 | Lawrence H. Shoup | Author and historian, Oakland, California |
1498 | Alix Kates Shulman | Writer, NY |
1499 | Phyllis Susan Shulman | |
1500 | Ed Shultz | |
1501 | Greg R Shupak | |
1502 | Robin E. Shweder | |
1503 | A Joanne Siegla | retired |
1504 | Harry A Siitonen | |
1505 | Tomek Sikora | |
1506 | Charles P. Silas | |
1507 | Jael M Silliman | Academic |
1508 | M. Carolyn Silva | |
1509 | Ethel R Silverberg | |
1510 | Robert L. Silverberg | retired |
1511 | Judith (Judy) Adina Silverstein | |
1512 | John Galbraith Simmons | Author, HAW |
1513 | Albert Simms | |
1514 | Nancy L Singham | Administrator |
1515 | Andrew Skotnicki | professor, manhattan college |
1516 | Alice Slater | Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, NY |
1517 | Stephen Slater | |
1518 | Sheryl Sophia Sleigh | Theologian |
1519 | Billy G Smith | Professor, MSU Bozeman |
1520 | Carol Joan Smith | Associate Professor, retired, CCNY |
1521 | Courtney L Smith | |
1522 | David N Smith | sociologist |
1523 | Donald L. Smith | Health Care |
1524 | Donovan Smith | |
1525 | Franklin P. Smith | |
1526 | Gar Smith | Editor Emeritus, Earth Island Journal, co-founder, Environmentalists Against War |
1527 | Joseph Smith | |
1528 | Joshua T Smith | n/a |
1529 | Mary E. Smith | secretary |
1530 | O.M. Smith | Arcata, CA |
1531 | Randall Smith | |
1532 | Richard ("Dick") E Smith | JD (Retired), Veterans for Peace |
1533 | Sharon Rose Smith | retired |
1534 | Tanya Gay Smith | president, Local 1, UPTE-CWA 9119, UPTE-CWA 9119 |
1535 | Tony P Smith | Retired |
1536 | Nancy Joy Snapp | M.D. |
1537 | Wes Snypes | |
1538 | Fred Sokolow | mlusician/writer |
1539 | Rohaan Solare | Architect |
1540 | Stephen Soldz | President-Elect, Psychologists for Social Responsibility (PsySR) |
1541 | Judith Solsken | |
1542 | Lucius Nelligan Sorrentino | Educator |
1543 | Pf Soto | http://rule19.org |
1544 | William C Southworth | physician (retired) |
1545 | Steve a Souza | |
1546 | Suzanne G Sparks | |
1547 | Suzanne Spinrad | |
1548 | Roderick Stackelberg | Retired |
1549 | Betty Standifer | |
1550 | Mark Dietrich Stansbery | Secretary, Commmunity Organizing Center |
1551 | Barbara H Starfield | |
1552 | Ann E Stark | |
1553 | Evan Stark | Professor, School of Public Affairs, Rutgers University-Newark |
1554 | Marcin Starnawski | |
1555 | Burton Steck | |
1556 | Marian Steffel | |
1557 | Mike Stein | |
1558 | Stephen Steinberg | Professor, Queens College, CUNY |
1559 | Elizabeth Steiner | |
1560 | Amina M Steinfels | Assistant Professor, Mount Holyoke College |
1561 | Vicky Anne Steinitz | |
1562 | Clay Steinman | Professor, Macalester College |
1563 | William Steinsmith | MD |
1564 | Cheryl Stevenson | |
1565 | Bill Stewart | |
1566 | John A. Stoeller | Retired |
1567 | Victoria J Stone | owner, blue rige school of massage and yoga |
1568 | Patricia Storace | writer |
1569 | Rebecca M Stratton | |
1570 | Freda R. Strauss | Oldsmar, FL |
1571 | Rolf Stuber | |
1572 | Bob E. Studebaker | Laborer |
1573 | Lucy Alice Suchman | Professor, Lancaster University, UK |
1574 | Zoe Sullivan | |
1575 | Lanny D Summers | Father |
1576 | Judy Summersby | |
1577 | Yifat Susskind | Policy and Communications Director, MADRE |
1578 | Constance R. Sutton | retired Professor of Anthropology, New York University |
1579 | Kenneth W. Sutton | |
1580 | Patrick Suzeau | Professor, University of Kansas |
1581 | Maria Svart | Democratic Socialists of America |
1582 | David Swanson | author of the new book "Daybreak: Undoing the, Imperial Presidency and Forming a More Perfect Union' |
1583 | Glenn K. Swanson | |
1584 | James L. Swarts | Retired minister and history professor |
1585 | Anne Swerdloff | |
1586 | Howard Swerdloff | Lecturer, History Montclair State University |
1587 | Toby Symington | |
1588 | Jean-Luc Szpakowski | Physician |
1589 | William K. Tabb | Professor Emeritus, CUNY |
1590 | Jerilyn M. Tabor | |
1591 | Kali Tal | Dr., independent scholar |
1592 | Joe Talik | |
1593 | Nancy Tally | nurse |
1594 | Jan Tamas | Chair of Humanist Party, Czech Republic |
1595 | Kazue Tanaka | |
1596 | Hoshang V. Tarehgol | International Alliance in Support of Workers, in Iran; Gargar TV |
1597 | Jonathan Tasini | Candidate, U.S. Senate, New York |
1598 | Peter J Tatchell | Human Rights campaigner, The Green Party of England & Wales |
1599 | Maggie M. Tatum | n/a, n/a |
1600 | Meredith Tax | Writer; President of Women's WORLD, a global, free speech network of feminist writers http://www.wworld.org |
1601 | Joan W Teller | |
1602 | Ivan g Tentchoff | retired |
1603 | Simon Teolis | Santa Fe, NM |
1604 | Jean C Tepperman | writer/editor |
1605 | Terao Terumi | Prof. Emeritus at Nagoya Inst. of Technol. |
1606 | Sarah Margaret Teversham | Secretary |
1607 | Muhammad Risman Thamar | S.Pd, youth care society NGO in Indonesia |
1608 | Rannfrid I Thelle | |
1609 | Jason Thomas | |
1610 | Jeff Burke Thomas | Student, Duke University |
1611 | Kathleen Thomas | |
1612 | Linda M. Thomas | |
1613 | Perry S. Thomas | Construction |
1614 | William R. Thomas | |
1615 | Douglas Cooper Thompson | |
1616 | Nancy K Thompson | |
1617 | Sheila Thorne | |
1618 | Jim R Thurston | |
1619 | Joseph A Tierno | retired, none |
1620 | Laura Tillem | |
1621 | John Tinkelpaugh | |
1622 | Matthew C Tinker | |
1623 | Chris Toensing | Middle East Research and Information Project, (MERIP) |
1624 | Lawrence R Toledo | Producer, Project Libertad |
1625 | Kathleen A Tolman | retired |
1626 | Michael Tomczyszyn | |
1627 | James P Tonson | Mr |
1628 | Ellen M Toomey | |
1629 | Janic Tormonton | |
1630 | Lisa Torrieri | |
1631 | Steve Tortorici | media specialist |
1632 | Phyllis L Townley | |
1634 | Zac m Townsend | |
1635 | Cuthbert R. Train | |
1636 | Lori L Trani | |
1637 | Helen Travis | |
1638 | Steven Trenam | |
1639 | Richard Trenhholm | |
1640 | Bruce G. Trigg, MD | |
1641 | Pebbles Trippet | Writer, Mendocino Medical Marijuana Advisory Board Co-founder |
1642 | Stephanie a Tsui | visual artist, democratic |
1643 | Bernard David Tuchman | |
1644 | Roger L Tucker | |
1645 | Dominick J Tuminaro | Attorney, Brooklyn College Graduate Center for Worker Education |
1646 | Alan Tung | |
1647 | Meredeth Turshen | Prof, Rutgers |
1647 | Meredeth Turshen | Prof, Rutgers |
1649 | Dianne M Unterbrink | |
1650 | Joan Unterweger | retired |
1651 | Karen S Ushman | |
1652 | Adaner Usmani | NYU |
1653 | Ruth Valdez | Women's International League, for Peace and Freedom |
1654 | Marjorie N Van Cleef | teacher, WILPF |
1655 | Ann Van de Wiele | |
1656 | Harry Van der Linden | Professor, Butler University |
1657 | Anje C. Van der Naald | |
1658 | Eberhard F. Van der Vlugt | Physicist, self |
1659 | Wilbert Van der Zeijden | Coordinator International No-Bases Network, Transnational Institute |
1660 | Mary l. Van rijn | |
1661 | Steven VanBever | Chicago, IL |
1662 | Richard C. Vanden Heuvel | |
1663 | Kipling Jay Vandenberg | |
1664 | James E Vann | |
1665 | Tibor Varady | Humanist Party |
1666 | Rakesh Vats | expert, CRI |
1667 | Barbara Ann Vedder | |
1668 | Laura H. Veit | |
1669 | Christine Hindle Verber | Dr |
1670 | Ruth Victor | educator |
1671 | Barbara Vigars | |
1672 | Sydney Claire Vilen | |
1673 | Jerry & Dotty Vilhotti | |
1674 | David Vine | Assistant Professor, American University |
1675 | Martha Osborn Vinick | home maker, Global Network |
1676 | Eve Y Visconti | |
1677 | Vacy J Vlazna | Coordinator, Justice for Palestine Matters |
1678 | Hans & Nelda C. Von Sponeck | Former UN Humanitarian Coordinator for Iraq |
1679 | Robert Von Tobel | |
1680 | Michael K. Wade | |
1681 | John M Wages, Jr. | teacher |
1682 | Ross A Wagner | student, University of Wisconsin-Madison |
1683 | Kit Adam Wainer | Teacher |
1684 | Nichole Rae Wakeford | student |
1685 | Raymond C. Walen, Jr. | |
1686 | Gloria J Walker | Journalist, War Resisters League |
1687 | Virginia Posner Walker | retired nurse, none |
1688 | Carla F Wallace | Community Organizer, Carl Braden Memorial Center |
1689 | Alan Wallach | Art Historian |
1690 | Immanuel Wallerstein | Yale University |
1691 | Joe Walsh | Activist, Individuals for Justice |
1692 | Roka Walsh | Consultant |
1693 | Jeff Paul Walter | Therapist |
1694 | Judith Podore Ward | New York City |
1695 | Sean Mychal Ward | Peace Advocate, None |
1696 | Bettina A. Warner | Berkeley, CA |
1697 | Robert H. Waser | |
1698 | Denese A Washam | Real Estate Broker |
1699 | Thomas C. Washburn | Public Health Physician |
1700 | Don L. Washington | Principal, Koan Enterprises |
1701 | Michael Watson | Teacher |
1702 | Jeffery R. Webber | Assistant Professor, Political Science, University of Regina, Canada |
1703 | Devra Anne Weber | Associate Professor, UC Riverside |
1704 | Barbara S. Webster | |
1705 | Lee Webster | |
1706 | Karl V Weichinger | Retired, GMP Retirees Branch No 7 |
1707 | Mark C. Weinberg | Open U. of the Left, Chicago |
1708 | Lois Weiner | Professor, New Jersey City University |
1709 | Perry H Weiner | teacher |
1710 | Leonard I. Weinglass | attorney |
1711 | Peter Weiss | |
1712 | Thomas E Weisskopf | Professor, University of Michigan |
1713 | Steve Weissman | Journalist |
1714 | Suzi Weissman | Professor of Politics |
1715 | Naomi Weisstein | Professor Emerita of Psychology/Neuroscience, State University of NY at Buffalo |
1716 | Ruth Weizenbaum | |
1717 | David Wellman | Professor, UC Santa Cruz |
1718 | Chris Wells | World Without Wars |
1719 | Leigh Anne Wells | Student |
1720 | Thorton E Wells | |
1721 | Marcel A Welty | Clergy, Presbyterian Church USA |
1722 | Joan Wentworth | Milwaukee, WI |
1723 | Cheryl Wertz | Peace Action New York State |
1724 | Cornel West | |
1725 | Berit Westby | World citizen |
1726 | Frank W Wetmore | retired |
1727 | W. Paul Wharton | |
1728 | Robert H Whealey | Prof Hist, Ohio Uniiv |
1729 | Elizabeth L White | bus driver |
1730 | Jean Kennedy White | |
1731 | Michael D. White | Editor |
1732 | Valerie Jeanne White | Mother, Linn-Benton Dept. of Peace Group |
1733 | Vee White | |
1734 | Robert Stephen Whitehorn | technical writer |
1735 | Liz Whitehurst | |
1736 | Janice H. Whiting | Gloucester, VA |
1737 | James Wichmann | |
1738 | Danielle Rae Widhalm | |
1739 | Soeren Widmann | Dr. |
1740 | Anne Heath Widmark | |
1741 | Tobey M. Wiebe | retired teacher, Grandmothers against the War |
1742 | H. Michael Wieben | artist, teacher |
1743 | Marguarite Wiele | |
1744 | John R Wilborn | |
1745 | Robert H. Wilcox | Retired |
1746 | Jack Eugene Wildi | Retired |
1747 | Jo H Wilkinson | Singer/Songwriter |
1748 | Paulette C Will | Fundraiser, Guthrie Theater |
1749 | Julia M Willebrand | US Green Party |
1750 | Phyllis Willett | |
1751 | Gloria J Williams | Journalist, War Resisters League |
1752 | Johnny E. Williams | Associate Professor, Trinity College |
1753 | Michael Williams | seafarer, mua |
1754 | Paris Williams | |
1755 | Robert A Williamson | Stagehand, IATSE |
1756 | Jenny S Willingter | Democratic |
1757 | Leslie M Willis | Administrative Assistant, Kimball Avenue Church |
1758 | Donald and Susan Willson | |
1759 | Cindy l Wilmore | |
1760 | Antonia T. Wilson | artist, interpreter |
1761 | Becca Wilson | Editor & writer |
1762 | Jennifer D Wilson | |
1763 | Reginald Wilson | Senior Scholar Emeritus, American Council on Education |
1764 | Grant Winston | Lawyer |
1765 | Arnold Wiseman | |
1766 | John J Witeck | Coordinator, Philippine Workers Support Committee |
1767 | Ann R. Witherspoon | Retired |
1768 | Leon Wofsy | Prof Emeritus, Univ. California Berkeley |
1769 | Alfred Wohlpart | |
1770 | Louis Wolf | Journalist, CovertAction Quarterly - semi-retired |
1771 | Sherry Wolf | Author, Sexuality and Socialism |
1772 | Eric W Wolfe | Labor Communicator |
1773 | Timothy S Wong | |
1774 | Sanford W Wood | retired |
1775 | Anne G. Woodhead | Peace Advocate, CODEPINK |
1776 | Nan Eilizabeth Woodruff | Penn State University |
1777 | Emira Woods | Co-Director, Foreign Policy in Focus, Institute for Policy Studies |
1778 | Kent Worcester | Associate Professor of Political Science, Marymount Manhattan College |
1779 | Francis M. Wright | Walnut Creek, CA |
1780 | Lloyd A. Wright | |
1781 | Julia Wrigley | Left Forum |
1782 | Marlys Joy Wulfsberg | |
1783 | David Edward Wunker | student, Earlham School of Religion |
1784 | Andrew Yale | |
1785 | William J. Yates | |
1786 | Rosalie Yelen | |
1787 | Roger H Youel | |
1788 | Elizabeth A. Young | |
1789 | Geoffrey M Young | Antiwar organizer, Peace Action Task Group |
1790 | Kevin A Young | |
1791 | Lloyd Ulin Young | |
1792 | Kim Young-Ai | Peacebuilder |
1793 | Leonard and Ellen Zablow | Retired biophysicist and retired teacher, Union of Concerned Scientists and United Federation on Teachers |
1794 | Ellen Zaltzberg | |
1795 | Leila Zand | Program Director, Fellowship Of Reconciliation |
1796 | Malcolm Zaretsky | Researcher, University of California, Berkeley |
1797 | Ali Zarrin | Poet, Lecturer |
1798 | Roland Jerzy Zarzycki | mathematician |
1799 | Barbara Zeluck | |
1800 | Judith Eve Zemel | retired |
1801 | Mary M Zhu | MD, Defenders of the Constitution |
1802 | Andrew Peter Zinner | |
1803 | David A. Zonderman | Professor of History |
1804 | Elizabeth Zoob | Clinical Social Worker |
1805 | Michael Zweig | SUNY Stony Brook |
1806 | Daniel Beck Zwickel ben Avram | Musician and Composer, PeaceHost.net |
1807 | Tatiana Zybin |