Joanne Landy
October 18, 2017
It is with the deepest sorrow that I have to report that Joanne Landy, the Co-Director of the Campaign for Peace and Democracy
and one of its two founder (as the Campaign for Peace and Democracy/East and West) in 1982, died on October 14th,
two weeks after suffering a massive stroke. She was just a few minutes shy of her 76th birthday.
Tributes to Joanne and information about the future of the Campaign will follow shortly.
As for now, I join with all of you in mourning the passing of a great, tireless fighter against war, repression,
and social injustice. We are unlikely ever to see her equal.
In grief and solidarity,
Tom Harrison
Please support the Campaign for Peace and Democracy
July 20, 2017
Vigil for Yemen, 11 am to 1 pm at the south end of
Union Square Park, Manhattan, Sat 6/24 and every Saturday
June 24, 2017

Now available!
Video of Helena Sheehan and Nantina Vgontzas,
and audio of Sheehan, speaking at the NYU event on Syriza 5/25/17
June 5, 2017
Three CPD Panels at the Left Forum: Greece, Europe, Mexico
June 3 & 4, 2017
John Jay College
524 W 59th St , Manhattan, New York City

May 25-June 4, 2017 Speaking Tour for Helena Sheehan,
author of The Syriza Wave: Surging and Crashing with the Greek Left
May 2, 2017
No to Assad’s Brutality,
No to ISIS,
No to U.S. and Russian Bombing and Military Forces in
Syria: For a Revival of the Arab Spring
Campaign for Peace and Democracy Statement, April 8, 2017
Sign-on Syrian statement opposing war on Yemen
March 4, 2017Speaking Tour with Swiss-Syrian leftist Joseph Daher
February 10, 2017
CPD Statement on Resisting Donald Trump
Feb. 6, 2017
CPD invites you to the
AKNY-Greece Solidarity Movement Holiday Party & Fundraiser for Refugees & Anti-fascism
Thurs., Dec. 22, 2016, 8 PM-12 AM, Monika's Cafe Bar, 32-90 36th Street, Astoria NY

Dec. 6, 2016 Forum: Can the Left Actually Win?
Reports from the European Left: Britain, Spain, Greece
YouTube Video of the forum
Dec. 7, 2016
The Campaign for Peace and Democracy Needs Your Help
Nov. 29, 2016
“The ‘War’ against Daech: A military strategy doomed to failure” by Joseph Daher
Oct. 19, 2016
Medea Benjamin Saudi Arabia book tour
Oct. 5, 2016
War & Tyranny in Syria: Two Statements and 10/1/16 Protest
Sept. 28, 2016
Greek Lessons-Prepare, Dare, Defy: Two by Yanis Varoufakis
Sept. 20, 2016
Please Support the Campaign for Peace and Democracy
June 23, 2016
“The Foreign Policies of Sanders, Trump, and
Clinton: America and the World In 2016 and Beyond” by Joanne Landy
May 20, 2016
Refugees, War and Austerity
The View from Syria, Greece and Turkey
at the Left Forum Conference 2016
May 19, 2016
Book tour by Robin Yassin-Kassab and Leila Al-Shami,
authors of Burning Country: Syrians in Revolution and War
April 19, 2016
April 21 Forum: “The Refugee Crisis: Syria, Turkey, Greece”
April 18, 2016
From King Salman, Saudi Arabia, “Don't Watch Frontline Tonight”
March 29, 2016
CPD Sign-on Statement: “End All U.S. Support for the Government of Saudi Arabia”
(January 15, 2016)
Report on March 5-6 Summit on Saudi Arabia/future action
March 21, 2016
The Campaign for Peace and Democracy invites you to Washington, DC, on March 5 and 6 for the first-ever two-day Summit on Saudi Arabia and U.S.-Saudi ties.
Feb. 6, 2016 (updated Mar. 1, 2016, with schedule and full list of co-sponsors)
Welcome new Campaign for Peace and Democracy endorsers Aaron S. Amaral, Riad Azar, Saulo Colón, Mike Friedman, Sam Friedman, Carol E. Gay, Trevor Harrison, Stanley Heller, Temma Kaplan, Despina Lalaki, Nicholas Evangelos Levis, Michael Löwy, Paul Mackney, Gloria Mattera, Ian McMahan, Deborah Meier, Saskia Sassen, Gar Smith, Laura Veit, Nantina Vgontzas, Joe White, and Ella Wind
February 24, 2016
Iran's Election Charade
February 11, 2016
Please support the Campaign for Peace and Democracy (Dec. 8, 2015)
URGENT SIGN-ON to François Hollande: Let Them March! (Nov. 29, 2015)
The cruelty of imperialist wars results in the cruelty of terrorism (Nov. 16, 2015)
Add your name to CODEPINK's letters of condolence to the people of France, Lebanon, Iraq, and Syria (Nov. 18, 2015)
Protests and Strikes in Greece Today (Nov. 12, 2015)
Washington and Moscow: Halt The Bombing and Stop Supporting Dictators in the Middle East!
Campaign for Peace and Democracy Statement, Oct. 10, 2015
The Statement in Farsi:
واشنگتن و مسکو
به بمباران خاتمه دهید
و حمایت از دیکتاتورها را متوقف سازید
Greece, Spain & Puerto Rico: Current Struggles and Building Solidarity
Rafael Bernabe, Despina Lalaki, and Vicente Rubio-Pueyo, with moderator Ed Morales, discuss the struggles of their countries at a meeting in New York Sept. 30, 2015
Five prominent Europeans call for a break with austerity Europe and adoption of a new “Plan A” and “Plan B”
The five are Jean-Luc Mélenchon, Stefano Fassina, Zoe Konstantopoulou, Oskar Lafontaine, and Yanis Varoufakis (Sept. 14, 2015).
The Greek Drama of 2015: What Next? a talk by Nicholas Levis at Columbia University (Sept. 13, 2015)
Solidarity with Syrian Refugees rally noon, Sat., Sept 12, 2015, Union Square
Why Support the Iran Deal (Aug. 6, 2015)
As the people say NO!, Support Greece Now (July 8, 2015)
Rally: Solidarity with the Greek People! OXI (No) to the Bankers' Blackmail, Wednesday, July 1, 2015, Athens Square Park, 30th Avenue at 30th Street, Astoria, Queens, NYC, 6:30 pm
Please support the Campaign for Peace and Democracy (June 17, 2015)
Take Action: Egypt's political prisoners/Greek debt (June 15, 2015)
Greece Solidarity 4 All U.S. Tour, May 22 to June 14 with Christos Giovanopoulos -- New York, Baltimore, Seattle, Chicago, San Francisco/ Oakland (May 21, 2015)
May 18, 2015, meeting on Continental Crucible with author Richard Roman, and Manny Ness
Open Letter to Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras: No to a joint Egyptian, Greek and Cypriot alliance in the “war on terror” (May 13, 2015)
Open Letter in Farsi: نامه سرگشاده به نخست وزیر یونان الکسیس تسیپراس
Sign the Greek Debt Truth Commission Appeal! (May 11, 2015)
Support the lawsuit against Greece's Golden Dawn! (Apr. 27, 2015)
CPD in The Nation: “Debating Syriza's Options,” featuring selected articles by Tom Walker, Stathis Kouvelakis, Costas Lapavitsas, Michael Roberts, Barry Finger, James K. Galbraith, and Maria Margaronis (Mar. 24, 2015)
Feb. 6, 2015 Forum “After the Greek Elections:
The Future of Austerity in Greece, Europe and Beyond”
Transcripts of talks and updates by the speakers:
Natassa Romanou, Alan Akrivos, Iannis Delatolas,
Nantina Vgontzas, and Aaron Amaral
PRESS RELEASE: CPD Sends Letter of Support to Greece and Calls on the IMF, EU, and ECB to Change Course (Feb. 23, 2015)
CPD Sign-on statement “We Support the Greek People's Struggle Against Austerity” (Feb. 18, 2015)
Feb. 11, 2015: Stand with the People of Greece at EU offices in NYC
Feb. 6, 2015, CPD forum “After the Greek Elections: The Future of Austerity in Greece, Europe and Beyond”
The entire evening was livestreamed and videotaped. To see the tapes, go to for Part 1 for Part 2
(note: There is a small overlap of the two tapes: Aaron Amaral’s presentation is at both the end of Part 1, and at the beginning of Part 2)
NYU Global Center for Academic and Spiritual Life
Lecture Hall 95 at 238 Thompson St
(off Washington Square South), Manhattan
Upcoming SYRIZA and CPD events on elections in Greece (Jan. 12, 2015)
CPD Sign-on Statement:
“End the Killing of Students Now: Peace, Justice, and Democracy for Mexico”
(November 13, 2014)
Press Release:
CPD Solidarity Statement sent to Mexican protesters, and to Mexican, U.S. and Canadian officials
(December 22, 2014)
Story about CPD statement in the Mexican newspaper
La Jornada
(December 22, 2014)
The statement in Spanish:
Alto inmediato a la matanza de estudiantes: Paz, justicia y democracia para México
(13 de noviembre del 2014)
The statement in Farsi:
The Campaign for Peace and Democracy Needs Your Support! (December 10, 2014)
Mexico: Upcoming Events & Recommended Readings (December 2, 2014)
CPD Statement: “ISIS, Kobanê, and the Future of the Middle East” (October 19, 2014)
Interview with Ukrainian left feminist Nina Potarskaya (October 1, 2014)
Support the Struggle of the 595 Greek Women Cleaners in Greece! Sept. 16, 2014
“$15 Now” raise U.S. Minimum Wage! Aug. 19, 2014
Protest the assault on Gaza! Thursday, July 24, 2014
Three Articles on Ukraine (June 16, 2014)
Latest Update on Greece (from the UK, 6/2/2014)
CPD recommendations for the Left Forum (June 2, 2014)

Ukraine Between a Rock and a Hard Place: Is There a Way Out?
by Joanne Landy (5/21/2014)
Update on Greece (from the UK) April 29, 2014
International Day Against Racism and Fascism, Sat., March 22, 2014
Is Fascism Returning to Europe? - A Public Discussion
posted March 11, 2014
Oppose NATO, Russian Intervention in Crimea, and the IMF
March 10, 2014
Protest Egypt attack on Medea Benjamin/U.S. inaction
March 7, 2014
Sign-on: Defend Democratic Rights in Egypt
February 26, 2014
“A Petrodollar and a Dream” by Adam Hanieh:
How Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and other countries,
working with the U.S., attempt to steer popular
away from challenging their governments
January 29, 2014
- No Threat of New Sanctions on Iran!
- No to the U.S.-Led Sanctions Program on Iran!
- Yes to a Nuclear-Weapons-Free and Democratic Middle East!
Statement by the Campaign for Peace and Democracy
January 6, 2014
Please support the Campaign for Peace and Democracy
December 2, 2013
Support Mexican Intellectual and Trade Unionist Edur Velasco Arregui!
November 17, 2013
Teach-in on “Syria in the Context of the Arab Uprisings”
November 17, 2013
Updates from Greece
November 8, 2013
Film screening of “Ruins: Chronicle of an HIV Witch-hunt”
November 8, 2013
Open Letter by Leaders of Poland's Solidarity Movement
in Defense of Edward Snowden
October 2, 2013
Renowned Afghan Women's Rights and Anti-War Activist
and Author Malalai Joya Speaks in New York City
October 4, 2013
Rally: Greek Deputy Prime Minister Evangelos Venizelos
September 27, 2013
Obama and Rouhani, A Call to Action
September 24, 2013
Anti-Fascist Petition to the Government of Greece
September 23, 2013
Sign to Support Striking Greek teachers!
September 17, 2013
CPD Statement on Syria:
We Oppose Both a U.S.–led Attack on Syria and the Brutal Regime of Bashar al–Assad.
We Support a Democratic Syrian Revolution!
September 6, 2013
Call Your Member of Congress Today and Say:
No military attack on Syria!
August 28, 2013
The Obama Administration seems poised for a military attack on Syria. We must act NOW to do all we can to stop this dangerous and illegal action. Please contact your members of Congress today and tell them that a military attack on Syria is no solution to the crisis. They need to hear from us before it's too late!
Congress is in recess, so it is probably most effective to call Representatives in the their District offices and U.S. Senators in their State offices. To find out their phone numbers, use this helpful Friends Committee on National Legislation guide (Be sure to click contact, once you find your official's square)
Please let us know at if you have made your call.
August 28, 2013
- Introduction
- Questions about the Harrison-Landy Statement on Syria, by Molly Nolan
- Syria: The Question of Arming the Rebels, by Michael Karadjis
- Syria: What Is To Be Done?, by David McReynolds
- Comments on "On Syria: A Personal Statement," by Assaf Kfoury
- US Labor Against the War (USLAW) Statement on the Syrian Crisis, with a comment by Michael Eisenscher
- The Armed Struggle and Arming the Syrian Opposition, by Salameh Kaileh
- Interview with Joseph Daher, "Imperialism, Sectarianism and Syria's Revolution"
- Response from Thomas Harrison and Joanne Landy: "No to U.S. War on Syria! No to Assad! Yes to a Democratic Syrian Revolution!"
Aug. 22, 2013 Action: Call on Obama to Pardon Chelsea Manning!
Aug. 22, 2013 Egypt: The Revolution at the Crossroads by Thomas Harrison
Aug. 19, 2013 — Egyptian Revolutionary Socialists, letter to comrades, 15 august 2013 : "Down with military rule ... no to the return of the old regime ... no to the return of the Brotherhood"
Aug. 18, 2013 — Action:
Oppose Greek Neo-Nazism & Anti-Semitism
Sign Petition to Defend Savvas Michael-Matsas and Konstantinos Moutzouris
Aug. 8, 2013 —
FRIDAY AUG 9, 4:30 - 6pm, NYC
June 24, 2013 — Personal Statement on Syria by CPD Co-Directors Harrison and Landy
June 15, 2013 — Save Greek public broadcasting
June 11, 2013 — Open Letter of Support to Greek public TV Workers
Havaar banner atop the AJ Muste building in Manhattan (June 6, 2013)
June 6, 2013 — CPD Open Letter to Russian judge calling for fair trial and acquittal of 12 defendants in first major political trial of protesters against Putin government's political repression.
Please email your own letter to
May 30, 2013 — Campaign for Peace and Democracy Panels at the 2013 Left Forum
May 21, 2013 — Please support the Campaign for Peace and Democracy
May 10, 2013 — CPD Welcomes New Endorsers Lawrence Wittner, Peter Tatchell, Yifat Susskind, Bhaskar Sunkara, Richard Seymour, Costas Panayotakis, Manijeh Nasrabadi, Ali Issa, Jules Greenstein & Beth Bush
John Feffer's interview with Landy and Harrison about
their view of the post-1989 developments in Eastern Europe
(posted May 2, 2013)
as it appeared in
February 13, 2013
CPD supports Havaar sign-on campaign "Iran Sanctions = Silent War." Please add your name.
February 4, 2013
CPD joins 24 groups calling for Obama to ensure that sanctions don't block food and medicine to Iranians.
September, 2012
CPD sign-on statement "We Stand with the Greek People Fighting Austerity — For Their Sake and Ours"
Personal Statement on Syria by CPD Co-Directors Harrison and Landy
Free Russian Political Prisoners Petition (Nov. 30, 2012)
Report and Video of 10/4/12 NYC Forum “The Neoliberal Assault on Disability Rights.”
May 18, 2012 — Chicago! Join the May 20 protest against NATO and the G8
April 9th, 2012 — Act TODAY for Bahraini Hunger Striker Abdulhadi al-Khawaja!
March 17, 2013, at 10am — CPD Left Forum panel: What are the Lessons of 1989's East European Revolutions for Transformations Today?
March 17, 2013, at 3pm — "Should Labor and the Left Propose a Global Green Jobs Alternative to Austerity and Climate Change?"
February 22, 2012 — Raha Iranian Feminist Collective on "Solidarity and Its Discontents"
February 21, 2012 — CPD welcomes new endorsers Medea Benjamin, Frank Brodhead, Marjorie Cohn, Hamid Dabashi, Bill Fletcher, Jr., Dan Gallin, Kathy Kelly, Bitta Mostofi, and Adaner Usmani.
February 14, 2012 — Call the State Department to protest the deportation of international observers from Bahrain, the brutal crackdown against Bahrainis and U.S. military aid to Bahrain's repressive regime.
February 2, 2012 — "No Sanctions, No War, No Dictatorship in Iran" —— join the Feb 4 march!
January 16, 2012 — Iranian rights activists oppose assassinations & war threat
November 30, 2011 — Please support the Campaign for Peace and Democracy
November 16, 2011 — Join your local 11/17 protest: "We're Not Going Away!"
November 7, 2011 — CPD speaks at Rome Occupation; Nov. 7 Kissinger protest
October 10, 2011 — Bahrain Update from the Campaign for Peace and Democracy
October 4, 2011 — Join nationwide occupations & Oct 6 Washington DC event!
September 16, 2011 — Message of Condolence and Solidarity from U.S. Peace Activists to the Syrian People
Tues 7/26/2011 — Urgent Rallies at Congressional Offices To Defend Medicare, Medicaid & Social Security
Please support the Campaign for Peace and Democracy!
June 2011
CPD Salutes Syria's Courageous Democratic Movement
June 9, 2011
CPD Condemns Israel’s Murderous Attack on Unarmed Palestinians
June 9, 2011
End U.S. Support for Bahrain's Repressive Government
May 16, 2011
Statement as it appeared on line in The New York Review of Books on June 9, 2011
Statement as it appears in the June 6, 2011 issue of The Nation
Press Release: Hundreds of Bahrain's join call to end US support for Bahrain government, May 24, 2011

A statement by the Campaign for Peace and Democracy (April 6, 2011)
Report on CPD's Feb. 2011 Delegation of Peace and Human Rights Activists
to the U.S. and Iranian Missions to the U.N.
(Feb. 25, 2011)
Afghanistan War Weekly
April 4, 2011The news media's focus remained on North Africa and the Middle East this week, with some Afghanistan reporters even being redeployed to that region. Despite the lack of media coverage, there are two stories from last week that I think are important. . . . more
U.S. and Iranian UN Missions to be visited
Feb. 25 by peace & human rights activists
(Feb. 24, 2011)
Egypt After Mubarak
A Statement by the Campaign for Peace and Democracy
CPD recommends MERIP's analysis
of U.S. response to Egyptian protests
CPD Statement on Tunisia (1/16/2011)
CPD Supports Assange and Manning (12/15/2010)
Support the Campaign for Peace and Democracy in 2011! (Dec. 2010)
Using Afghan Women To Justify War on Afghanistan (Oct. 25, 2010)
End the War Threats and Sanctions Program Against Iran
Support the Struggle for Democracy Inside Iran
October 2010
Click here to sign, see the full list of signers, or donate
CPD responds to Phil Wilayto on Iran (Nov. 3, 2010)
FROM PAKISTAN “The Disaster and the Way Out”
Union Activists in Iran – Repression Continues
Urgent Pakistan Labor Appeal
for Emergency Flood Support
CPD Participates in
Campaign against U.S. Military Bases
& Neoliberal Economics in Latin America
(8/11/10 - 8/15/10)
Call your Congressperson July 26 or 27, 2010
![]() |
CPD Statement:
Oppose War And Sanctions On Iran
Solidarity with the Democratic Struggle Inside Iran
(July 2010)
Iranian Trade Unionists Held Incommunicado
(June 2010)
CPD co-sponsors
National anti-war conference
to bring the troops home now!
Albany, New York, July 23-25, 2010
But What Could Israel Do? by CPD Endorser Stephen R. Shalom (6/5/10)
Please support the Campaign for Peace and Democracy (June 2010)
Open Letter from CPD to Egyptian Labor Protesters (4/30/10)
forum: Tuesday, May 11 , 2010
Tuesday, May 11 • 7:00 pm
NYU Kevorkian Center
50 Washington Square South
(at 255 Sullivan St.), Manhattan
Campaign for Peace and Democracy
and Where Is My Vote-NY, The NYU Kevorkian Center,
The Nation
invite you to attend a forum:
Sanctioning Iran?
As the Obama administration debates imposing new "targeted sanctions" on
Iran, many question the effectiveness of sanctions to pressure regimes, while
raising ethical and humanitarian concerns about the impact of sanctions on social
movements as well as everyday people. In this program, two distinguished speakers
will explore diverse views on the issue, using lessons learned from Iraq, Cuba,
and South Africa and the current state of Iran today. We hope for the audience to
come to their own understanding of the debate and to make an informed opinion as
to the effect of targeted sanctions on Iran
The program will feature:
Professor of philosophy at Fairfield University, PhD Yale University, JD Boston
University School of Law. Professor Gordon has published extensively on issues of
international relations and international law, particularly in the area of
economic sanctions. Dr. Gordon's most recent work
Invisible War: The United States and Iraq Sanctions
was published by the Harvard University Press.
Founder and president of the National Iranian American Council and an expert on
US-Iranian relations, Iranian politics, and the balance of power in the Middle
East. He is the author of
Treacherous Alliance: The Secret Dealings of Iran, Israel and the United States.
On February 25, 2010, Dr. Parsi testified before Congress on the
Human Rights situation in Iran.
Managing editor of
The Nation
magazine. Editor of two books on the Middle East conflict,
The New Intifada
(Verso, 2001) and
The Other Israel
(New Press, 2002).
Support the people of Haiti (1/21/10)
Open letter to Iranian government, drone protest, CPD ad in Pakistani newspaper (1/12/10)
This poster, letting people know about CPD's anti-war position, is being put up all around Pakistan. Members of the National Trade Union Federation of Pakistan demonstrate in Karachi against U.S. drones on January 23, 2010
CPD Statement:
We Call for the United States to End Its Wars in Afghanistan and Pakistan! (Nov. 27, 2009)
October, 2009 This may be a turning point for the expanding U.S./NATO wars in Afghanistan
Czech Opponents of U.S. Radar Base Celebrate Their Victory
No U.S. Military Use of Bases in Colombia
CPD Letter to Hillary Clinton - Aug. 10, 2009Iran: The Election and Beyond
Statements by the Campaign for Peace and Democracy• CPD Question and Answer on the Crisis in Iran - July 7, 2009
• Crisis in Iran - a Statement from CPD - June 17, 2009
Related Materials, Announcements, and Links on Iran
Open Letter Initiated by People in the U.S. to the Czech Chamber of Deputies: No to the Radar!

Stunning Victory for Czech Opponents of U.S. Radar Base
NEW YORK, March 18, 2009 — In a major setback for Pentagon plans to install a U.S. military radar base in the Czech Republic, the Czech government yesterday withdrew, at least for now (and possibly for good), its proposal to ratify an agreement on the base . . . [more]
Iranian Human Rights Leader Shirin Ebadi in Danger — Peace Activists Call on Teheran to Ensure Her Safety (April 2009)
We are writing to protest in the strongest terms the threats that have been mounted against Shirin Ebadi, co-founder of the Defenders of Human Rights Center and the Organization for the Defense of Mine Victims . . . [more]
No More Blank Check for Israel!
Statement on the Crisis in Gaza
January 2009 — In its massive military attacks on Gaza, Israel has again engaged in actions contrary to morality, international law, the cause of peace, and to the long-term best interests of the people of Israel. And, once again, the United States government has been the enabler of Israeli actions . . . [more]